viruses and flu's really don't kill a lot of people, even aids. i mean a lot of people die, but on a world wide scale it's minimal. humans are genetically able to fight off bad stuff. if you can't, she can. this is why we are all so different in so many ways. you have a cold, i don't.
poison would work much better.
It is the manipulated virus in the vaccination that is the concern as well as the concern that if a national emergency is declared, they would be mandatory.
The conspiracy theorists think that the WHO has had population control/reduction as their agenda for some time. What you say is correct about genetic variation and the humans ability to defend itself against viral and bacterial attacks, with at least one notable exception...the spanish flu.
These same people say that the reason why the spanish flu was so deadly was not an accident, but was the result of the virus mutating in the presence of the mutagen mustard gas which was regularly thrown into the tents of dough boys in the morning as gas drills. This is the way they say a virus is "weaponized" by exposing it to DNA/RNA mutagens such as strong chemicals or radiation.
There is currently a bill in congress to make a provision to self-shield and not take the vaccine if it becomes mandatory (stay in house [would need supplies] rather than take vaccine). Supposedly there is already legislation within the patriot act, I think, that allows for others to be put into quarantine camps.
These people are concerned with a project which the feds used google to map every door step (probably for 2010 census) and where strange phone calls have been received in the last couple of years asking how many children are in the home and whether or not they have been vaccinated. I got this call a couple of years ago. It seemed to be a push to get girls to take guardasil(sp?) which the conspiracy folks think is super bad.
I am sure this is all a bunch of nothing, but it would be worth a call to your congressman or signing a petition letter to amend the existing bad legislation.
There is also a bill (HR 2743?) that is under the guise of food safety that seems to make some organic food illegal while favoring factory farming and GM franken foods. They are trying to push this through as a fairly meaningless piece of legislation. But they will continue to sneak it through when the floor is near empty! This could be important. Ron Paul is all over it, I am sure you can get info through his site.