hippie flippin


Active Member
this weekend i hippie flipped for the first time. for those of you who arent familiar with the term its when you take acid and ecstasy at once. two hits of acid and two pills equaled the most insane trip of my life. I highly reccomend it to anyone who is interested. the only down part of it is coming down. after its over you are physically and mentally dead for a day or two. But the trip alone is by far the most amazing and intense thing i have ever done.


Well-Known Member
Around here were i live we call that candy flipping its the best experience ever last time i did it i went to this 3 day festival and candy flipped all week end it was the best:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
glad your still alive ma fellow grwer
proly did some damage on yourself
i wouldn't recommend hippie flippin, but whatever floats your boat.
Just play it safe, maybe instead of two of each try one
Don't wanna die trippin do you"? where does your soul go then if your mind doesn't know what is going on.....


glad your still alive ma fellow grwer
proly did some damage on yourself
i wouldn't recommend hippie flippin, but whatever floats your boat.
Just play it safe, maybe instead of two of each try one
Don't wanna die trippin do you"? where does your soul go then if your mind doesn't know what is going on.....
It goes the same place it would if you were sober. Nowhere. :roll:


Well-Known Member
never heard of hippie flippin but around me candy flippin is E and lucy. i wouldnt try it...well maybe i would but ill stick to lucy, shrooms and mary until then


Well-Known Member
It depends on your tolerance man. I Hippie Flipped before (That's E and Goomz here in SoCal) at a 2 day festival over halloween weekend, it was friggen sick man.

But I know my limits, and some of my freinds didn't and they didn't have a very good time at all... So be carefull, I wouldn't do it in a public place your first time cause you might flip the hell out. Always know your own tolerance levels, and don't push em.

I'm not as wild and as crazy (er stupid I should say) as I used to be. So I wouldn't do it again anytime soon, but my god, what a crazy trip it was! And I got to see Daft Punk while I was peaking so it was one of the best nights of my life.

Good luck with the LSD stuff, it's awhole different kinda beast.