Hindu Kush progression, Pictures, Questions


Active Member
So, yeah, just got a few questions. I'm pretty content overall considering this is my first grow.

1)The bottom leaves are yellowing and seem like they are just gonna die off. I've been reading and most say this is a nitrogren deficiency. We bought some miracle grow and we put in half a tablespoon mixed with a half-gallon of water (no we didn't use the whole half-gallon bottle, we just sprayed the soil/leaves a few times). I guess there has been an improvement b/c of that, I really do not think it HURT them).
>>>>>>>So, does Miracle grow suck? I've read some different stuff and one said miracle grow sucks...I really wouldn't know, it seems alright to me.
>>>>>>>>How often should we use it? If I don't use this, what should I use instead?

2)I am not watering that often at all. Maybe once every two days, just depends because: one soil claims on the bag [used for 1 pot] it absorbs 30% moisture (ie: if you go overwatering or underwatering), and the other regular soil, same brand, doesn't do the above [this is the second plant/pot].
>>>>>>>>>Is watering once every couple days alright? I really don't water them that much at all when I do.

3)I realize I have to be patient in waiting for their sex to develop, but how long can I expect, according to these pictures? I've read that this strain really doesn't grow too tall. 2 weeks? 3 weeks? more?

4)My one friend was telling me we should go to an 18hrs on/6hrs off light cycle. I realize you are not suppose to go into 12/12 until sex is determined, correct? Tell me if I'm wrong.
>>>>>>Anyways, my stoner roommate set the timer thing to 12hrs on/12hrs off, and now we have it on 14on/12off. Is this ridiculously stupid? Should we have them on all the time? I don't want to screw sh*t up.

5)I have a fan on them 24/7, and it seems like the main stems are becoming damn sturdy and thick. So I don't think this can be hurting them.

Any input would be greatly, greatly appreciated.




Active Member
just a regular ole sack of weed. hindu kush is not my fav, i find it quite harsh. it gets you pretty stoned though.

So, dunno really where it "came" from.


Well-Known Member
1. See this Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos

2. Get a moisture wand and you won't be guessing about when to water.

3. You won't notice the difference in sexes until after the plant is put into flowering.

4. 12/12 if for flowering NOT now. You should be 18/6 or more.

5. You are right it isn't hurting them it's good for them.

6. You need basics. Read Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos
Beginner's Guide to Growing Marijuana

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
1) Yes most of us on here will tell you miracle grow sucks. It works for some people but its better to get organic nutrients or even hydroponic nutrients. Do a search for nutrients on here and look for a thread about "whats in your soup". There are a bunch of different brands you can chose from. I would get a package nutrient solution with an a&b. You can order them online if you dont have a grow store around.

2) Your watering habits are wrong. You want to completely saturate the soil. I usually water till the reservoir is almost full. Then wait until the plant is almost completely dried out. I grow a lot of plant so I usually wait till 1 or 2 plants start wilting before I water. You can tell when they need water cause the plants leaves will start to sag instead of stand up firm.

3) I wrote a basic grow guide on this site and won some seeds. I grew 5 seeds and only 3 made it. I sexed them prolly around the same age as your plants are now. It took about a 7-8 days to show sex and as soon as I saw a flower I put them back in the veg cycle. 2 males, 1 female. She has been in veg for a week or so and Im going to top her soon and make her my prize mother I hope. But to answer your question, you can flower them now if you want to.

4) Ok now after reading #4 I know you and your punk ass roommate are noobs. lol. You grow in veg cycle 16/8 until your plant is strong enough to hold some massive buds. In theory atleast. When you want to flower (usually about 1/3 of the size you want at the end) you then turn the lights to 12/12 and you need complete darkness when the lights are off. Disturbing the light cycle will slow growth and can turn the plants into males.

5) An oscillating fan is the best. Using a fan helps the plants breath, gives the plants strength in the stems and bugs dont like it windy either.

6) you should read my grow guide on my sig. It will help you a lot.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
yes watering every 2 days is to often.. I agree with widow.. MORE QUAINITY and less frequency.. this is KEY!!

and NOW you KNOWM


Active Member
sweet guys, thanks for the input. hopefully having tampered with the light cycles like idiots won't screw me and my roomie over too hard.

back to 18on/6off.

Also, is cutting off the yellow/damage leaves a bad idea? Should we do it or just let them die off?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
dont cut them off yet let them die off or if they get to drying then pull them they will fall when they need too.


I am doing sensi hindu kush.For sure is nice plant easy growing and slow in veg.Very easy cloning with out hormones 8 days.Now its time to flowering.;-)So i'll post photos for couple weeks.Peace