Hillary can't be trusted

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It's an expression used by pilots. Are you the biggest loser to ever go on Jeopardy?

I don't know. But I'm able to pick her up over my head, so that means less than 200

first you are talking about balls, now you are talking about one of the most male dominated professions that exist. are you sure that you are not a gay?

post a picture of her elbow.
You keep assuming things about me and expect me to talk to you.

Rediculous. You don't know my background, circumstances, or current obligations.


the only thing that is ridiculous is that anthony weiner just texted me a dick pic with the nuclear codes written on his cock shaft.
Really? Have you not heard of the pipes in flint? He visited flint.

We have cities around the nation that have pipes that will fail soon, bridges and roads that need repair, and so on.

Updating everything will save lives, improve safety, and create jobs.
Is that his plan? Where does it say he's planning on redoing everybody's plumbing in the inner cities? Where does it say he's planning on replacing bridges?

How much do those actions cost?

Plans, Pie, aren't just plattitudes. They contain a start date a finish date, resources required, cost estimates, objectives, and details about how the work will be done. You know, the "how what why and when" of the initiative. I don't expect all of that but how about a stated objective, completion requirements, and maybe cost estimates, at the very least. And not your know nothing out of mind ideas but what Trump and his team have actually written down.
Is that his plan? Where does it say he's planning on redoing everybody's plumbing in the inner cities? Where does it say he's planning on replacing bridges?

How much do those actions cost?

Plans, Pie, aren't just plattitudes. They contain a start date a finish date, resources required, cost estimates, objectives, and details about how the work will be done. You know, the "how what why and when" of the initiative. I don't expect all of that but how about a stated objective, completion requirements, and maybe cost estimates, at the very least. And not your know nothing out of mind ideas but what Trump and his team have actually written down.
If you really wanted to know, you would go to his site.

Our government is SUPPOSED to take care of infastructure and they have failed to maintain it!

So we should just let our country decay and fall behind the capabilities of our time?
she wants to ban a religion, so yeah.
He wants to ban immigration from the tumultuous region of the world were radical islam is taking hold.

You should be thanking him. Radical islamists hate jews. Even if a small percentage get through, that means american lives lost.
If you really wanted to know, you would go to his site.

Our government is SUPPOSED to take care of infastructure and they have failed to maintain it!

So we should just let our country decay and fall behind the capabilities of our time?
No, I'm just asking because you keep flogging the shit. I'm really pointing out that you know nothing of which you speak. The GOP has cut taxes and restricted infrastructure repair so that the 1% can have their jets and super yachts. You support the GOP because you have a fixation on other women's fetuses. Now all of a sudden you say Trump will fix the infrastructure of the country. He's specific about tax cuts but vague about his great modernization plans. And I'm here to say that Trump has nothing but fern seed in his pocket.
Wikileaks. Drip drip.

Video proof of conspiracy to subvert democracy.

Hillary under investigation again.
Ok, so when Comey comes out to say that nothing is there, will you buy it? I'll buy it if he says Clinton comitted a crime. Will you accept his decision if he says she didn't or that he finds nothing that merits charges?
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