Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
why would he stop there?
He said several times he would leave marijuana to the states. Do you want me to find the videos? The news reports on what he says are usually altered/cut short. They did that to make him look worse so the public perception would be that he was a greater villain than Hillary.

Wikileaks exposed the true villain and confirmed what many of us already suspected.

I have watched all trumps interviews and speeches. There are many lies spread around by the establishment about him.


Well-Known Member
Both are awful people. To say otherwise is to admit that something less than objectivity is in play in one's mind

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
He just wants to make sure legalization works in the states before he makes a federal decision. He is for medical. Other than that it is state by state.

I got more. Two per post limit i think.


Well-Known Member
Trump supports cops BIG TIME. Wants National Stop and Frisk. Wants more cops.

Cops want to arrest us. Trump will have as hard a time with weed as O did. The DEA, his attorney general and the entire US police community will fight tooth and nail to keep weed illegal.

Cops make a lotta $$, ya know. Weed pays $$ pretty good for those guys

Private prisons are gonna be BIG. We only have 25% of the earth's incarcerated. We can house more...
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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The same law is there for everyone to use.

If you lost alot of money and could write it off, LEGALLY, you would most definitely take that opportunity.
Hey Pie, It really is pretty simple to understand. From what I can tell from the reasoning the left is displaying about tax law they seem to lack basic common sense. imo

I am starting to question their educations. It is looking like they got played by other liberals and wasted their money for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Hey Pie, It really is pretty simple to understand. From what I can tell from the reasoning the left is displaying about tax law they seem to lack basic common sense. imo

I am starting to question their educations. It is looking like they got played by other liberals and wasted their money for nothing.
so explain it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Pie, It really is pretty simple to understand. From what I can tell from the reasoning the left is displaying about tax law they seem to lack basic common sense. imo

I am starting to question their educations. It is looking like they got played by other liberals and wasted their money for nothing.
You'll need to explain that. How does the left lack comprehension of tax law? Is this what Fox is telling you? Or is it just a gut feeling?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You'll need to explain that. How does the left lack comprehension of tax law? Is this what Fox is telling you? Or is it just a gut feeling?
Well see4, you are a perfect example of playing stupid when trying to explain POTUS TRUMPS tax benefits. You have no idea whats going on with his tax's, and besides that nobody but you and your buddies gives a shit anymore. The people you are trying to influence are bawling in big groups right now, so good luck on POTUS TRUMPS tax crusade .
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