Hillary can't be trusted

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There is no spin. Hitler referred to himself as a Socialist, many, many times. It's historical fact. Why does that bother you so much?
You can say you are a grasshopper and it wouldn't be true. Yes, Hitler did say he was a socialist. It's a distortion that gets in the way of facts. We have several socialist institutions in this country that are the backbone of our country's security and a safety net for those that need it. Doesn't make this a NAZI country and more than it makes this a Communist one.

I'm guessing you are libertarian and would do away with them. And so, of course you wish to distort facts. Pie on the other hand doesn't have a clue and just says whatever is on top of her anti-choice mind.

Anti-capitalism -- Neither
Anti-Israel -- Neither

You can say you are a grasshopper and it wouldn't be true. Yes, Hitler did say he was a socialist. It's a distortion that gets in the way of facts. We have several socialist institutions in this country that are the backbone of our country's security and a safety net for those that need it. Doesn't make this a NAZI country and more than it makes this a Communist one.

I'm guessing you are libertarian and would do away with them. And so, of course you wish to distort facts. Pie on the other hand doesn't have a clue and just says whatever is on top of her anti-choice mind.

Let me guess, you maintain the means of production in Nazi Germany was in private hands, amirite?

Did I say we are NAZI or Commie in the USA? I did not.
Fact-free life is easy, I guess.

You assume too much. I don't think taxing the shit out of a company that proposes to leave the country embraces free market principles at all. It's very anti-capitalist imo its like fixing your crooked window resting on a cracked foundation.

No matter how much you shout it, you just sound foolish making the comparison.
Intimidating voters -- Trump is the one who is recruiting KKK thugs and giving them fake badges to lurk about the polling stations
Nationalizing education -- not a bad idea but neither propose this
Stifling Free Speech -- Trump is the one who threatens lawsuits against anybody who embarasses him
Indoctrinating Children -- That's what your church does and other narrow evangelical churches that support Trump do
Anti-capitalism -- Neither
Anti-Israel -- Neither
Lie consonantly -- LOL Trump lies on average every five minutes or twelve times an hour.The only bigger liar is you. Or is that ignorance?
Treat Protesters like Terrorists -- Which candidate wants to "punch him in the face"? OH yeah, Trump
Support Muslim Jihad -- Trump is the one providing recruiting material to ISIS

Add to Trump's qualifications to lead the Nazis his racist bigoted speeches about Mexicans, his desire to disbar a Mexican judge, his policies about Muslim immigration. Also his desire to step up the policing in this nation to address a law and order "problem" that he manufactured. Also his desire to commit torture. I'll bet others can add to this list.
I don't even read your posts anymore. You are woefully uninformed. Maybe if you actually read valid sources once in a while instead of asking the liberals to tell you what is fact.

Factcheck is a propaganda tool for the liberals. You need to go to their sources and employ some critical thinking skills.

Our government is fucked up. So entrenched in corruption. Hillary is the definition of corruption. If you read wikileaks you would realize it. Which is why CNN said it was "illegal" to read them.

Media is currently freaking out over the use of the word "ghetto". Have you been to detroit or chicago? I have.

Streets of abandoned homes with graffiti and boarded up windows to keep squatters and drugs users out. Broken street lights. Crumbling brick factories left to decay. Streets that have potholes so big you can pop a tire. Closed schools. The schools still open are unsafe and not providing adequate education. Homeless people all over the place. Shops have bars on their windows, doors, and are in disrepair.

MLK used the word ghettos often.

The left has had control of these black communities in cities around our country and yet the black population still suffers. The democrats promise change, hope, and prosperity, yet the black communities are ignored.

They should be providing adequate security, schools, and jobs to african americans. Instead they want to flood our nation with outside labor which hurts blacks more than whites.

Trump has a plan to entice businesses into these areas. Business equals jobs! Renegotiating trade deals will make american manufacturing able to compete and then they will need more workers for the increased demand of goods.

Bill clinton said he wanted to pay syrian refugees to repair detroit. Why not pay the people of detroit or michigan to repair detroit?

Wake up!
Un fucking real how idiotic all you Hillary idiots are.

Right this very minute Russia & the USA are at Defcon 2 & none of you social justice idiots even know wtf is going on,your beloved black fuhrer has the world on the brink of Mutually Assured Destruction, while Hillary tells Russia she will attack Syria,the very second one more Russian asset dies at Americas hand no more defcon 2,its defcon 1 & launch,we are at the point nuclear ICBM's 10,000 x more powerful than Hiroshima are fueled & In launch position,manned round the clock awaiting 1 phone call to authorize launch ,meanwhile you idiots scream about Trump not being PC & offending your ears while Obama installs illegal missile systems in Poland.

Watch & learn where america is at right now because of Obama & Hillary Clinton ,fucking zombies .

what is shown above is defcon 2 where the USA & Russia are at right now,tinfoil hat memes aren't too smart when the situations leading to all out nuclear war are being enacted,Hillary's promised attack on Syria means defcon 1 & nuclear launch is a must ,not choice but a MUST .

Few here lived the nightmare of the cold war & can't comprehend it,so won't watch & learn how close our establishment have created the exact situation that lead to the world being one step away from complete destruction .

No brain activity, go ahead and pull the plug on the ventilator. Put a fork in him. Done.
Let me guess, you maintain the means of production in Nazi Germany was in private hands, amirite?

Did I say we are NAZI or Commie in the USA? I did not.
I didn't say you did. But it comes up when the word socialist or ism is used so I figured I'd just say it to head that stupid idea off.

Much of the means of production in Germany was in the hands of Germany's industrialists. Hitler tolerated socialist ideas in his party until 1934. After that, to be socialist was a death sentence.

Other than the fact that Hitler had socialists rounded up and murdered, the biggest difference between socialism and Nazi ideology is that socialism is based upon the working class and rewards according to deeds while Hitler's ideas were based upon race and expansion of the German "race" at the expense of all others.
I hate both candidates, but Jesus trump is taking everyone for a goddam ride.

I'll give anyone $50 who can prove he's not an easily tested psychopath. All of the boxes on his lab test are checked. He is far and away the worse of the two. He's a serial rapist for fucks sake
I didn't say you did. But it comes up when the word socialist or ism is used so I figured I'd just say it to head that stupid idea off.

Much of the means of production in Germany was in the hands of Germany's industrialists. .

Von Misis busted this myth a long time ago.

Private ownership of the means of production existed in name only as evidenced by the government that exercised the actual power of ownership; Nazi government decided what was produced, what quantity, what methods and to whom production was to be distributed; what prices to charge, what the wages were paid, what dividends or income the "private owners" were to receive. Misis proved without a doubt that the alleged "private owners" were merely government pensioners.
I don't even read your posts anymore. You are woefully uninformed. Maybe if you actually read valid sources once in a while instead of asking the liberals to tell you what is fact.

Factcheck is a propaganda tool for the liberals. You need to go to their sources and employ some critical thinking skills.

Our government is fucked up. So entrenched in corruption. Hillary is the definition of corruption. If you read wikileaks you would realize it. Which is why CNN said it was "illegal" to read them.

Media is currently freaking out over the use of the word "ghetto". Have you been to detroit or chicago? I have.

Streets of abandoned homes with graffiti and boarded up windows to keep squatters and drugs users out. Broken street lights. Crumbling brick factories left to decay. Streets that have potholes so big you can pop a tire. Closed schools. The schools still open are unsafe and not providing adequate education. Homeless people all over the place. Shops have bars on their windows, doors, and are in disrepair.

MLK used the word ghettos often.

The left has had control of these black communities in cities around our country and yet the black population still suffers. The democrats promise change, hope, and prosperity, yet the black communities are ignored.

They should be providing adequate security, schools, and jobs to african americans. Instead they want to flood our nation with outside labor which hurts blacks more than whites.

Trump has a plan to entice businesses into these areas. Business equals jobs! Renegotiating trade deals will make american manufacturing able to compete and then they will need more workers for the increased demand of goods.

Bill clinton said he wanted to pay syrian refugees to repair detroit. Why not pay the people of detroit or michigan to repair detroit?

Wake up!
I'm very happy to learn that I aggravated you with information.

Just picking on one of your stupid little cut and paste lines in your diatribe: What is Trump's "Plan" to entice businesses into cities? I'm not talking about statements in his speeches but what are his plans? In his speech in North Carolina a couple of days ago, he spoke about how his plan to cut immigration, cut taxes, build "infrastructure" whatever that is, unilaterally end trade agreements, and step up policing. Also charter schools, as if that's what an inner city mom needs when she would have to drive the kid there.

Trump's policy for inner cities is weak, lacks credibility and there are no details showing how his actions will accomplish what he says they will. For one thing, unilaterally cancelling trade agreements will trigger a recession. Also, do the people in the inner city need or want more SWAT and other militarized police on the streets? Cut immigration helps inner city people? Is it his idea that people living in inner cities should replace migrant farm workers?

Also, people can hear the ignorance and unchecked racism in his words. At least most do and most reject him in part for this.
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Von Misis busted this myth a long time ago.

Private ownership of the means of production existed in name only as evidenced by the government that exercised the actual power of ownership; Nazi government decided what was produced, what quantity, what methods and to whom production was to be distributed; what prices to charge, what the wages were paid, what dividends or income the "private owners" were to receive. Misis proved without a doubt that the alleged "private owners" were merely government pensioners.
OK, you can quote one person The industrialists were joined at the hip to the Nazi war effort, that is true. Tell me, who owned those factories after the war? Don't most still lie in the hands of those same families?

The same could be said of Ford and GM during the war years. Your argument is invalid.

In metro Detroit, 49% of African Americans who are poor are living in census tracts where at least 40% of the residents are poor, the highest rate among the Top 25 metro areas in the U.S. and seventh among the Top 100 metro areas.

In five-year American Community Survey data from 2009-2013, more than a third of all poor African Americans in metropolitan Chicago live in high-poverty census tracts (where the poverty rate is above 40 percent).
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