Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member

Hey, how about explaining to me again how Clinton and Trump are the same?
If I must.

Neither will deliver on their promises

Both are corrupt

Both are full of shit

Both are there to serve self interest and the interests of their backers, not the electorate.

Both will say whatever people want to hear to win votes

A vote for either endorses the political status quo, a vote for either IS THE SAME


Well-Known Member
The overall consensus is that very few people are happy with the choice of candidates to chose from.

Voting for either ensures you'll keep getting the same


Well-Known Member
If I must.

Neither will deliver on their promises

Both are corrupt

Both are full of shit

Both are there to serve self interest and the interests of their backers, not the electorate.

Both will say whatever people want to hear to win votes

A vote for either endorses the political status quo, a vote for either IS THE SAME

Both your socks are jizz rags. STFU


Well-Known Member
The overall consensus is that very few people are happy with the choice of candidates to chose from.

Voting for either ensures you'll keep getting the same
Thanks for the summary PUSSY

The overall consensus is that Trump is failing along multiple dimensions and HRC will soon be prez. Lets start there.


Well-Known Member
Kinda like Brexit over there?

Your dummies voted 1st, then started Googling to see what they voted out.

Go eat some cake.
Nothing like brexit

You see, people weren't happy with something and neither if the big two offered a solution

So a single issue party offered an alternative and started taking votes OFF the main parties

After a hung parliament, in a desperate attempt to consolidate power, the PM offered a referendum.

Then people decided.

you see, our system is flawed, massively, but if you vote for what you believe in rather than trying to back the winner you can still bring about change.

So, dickheads, I know you think we should be ashamed of brexit but you are a million miles wide of the mark.

You don't even understand your own political system, you are well out of your depth discussing ours.

Still...if you would like, start a thread on British politics and I will happily fucking educate you thick cunts


Well-Known Member
Nothing like brexit

You see, people weren't happy with something and neither if the big two offered a solution

So a single issue party offered an alternative and started taking votes OFF the main parties

After a hung parliament, in a desperate attempt to consolidate power, the PM offered a referendum.

Then people decided.

you see, our system is flawed, massively, but if you vote for what you believe in rather than trying to back the winner you can still bring about change.

So, dickheads, I know you think we should be ashamed of brexit but you are a million miles wide of the mark.

You don't even understand your own political system, you are well out of your depth discussing ours.

Still...if you would like, start a thread on British politics and I will happily fucking educate you thick cunts


eat cake


Well-Known Member
are you aware that democracy doesn't exist within the EU?

There is a council of 12 that sits above the meps making the decisions

An unelected council of 12

Of course you weren't aware, you're not bothered by facts...or reality, you just want to throw stones




Well-Known Member
Brexit has been simplified into a racists vs non racist battle

that's just so the Americans can understand it

It's more complex than that, honest


Well-Known Member
If I must.

Neither will deliver on their promises

Both are corrupt

Both are full of shit

Both are there to serve self interest and the interests of their backers, not the electorate.

Both will say whatever people want to hear to win votes

A vote for either endorses the political status quo, a vote for either IS THE SAME


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you lot linger in the politics section, you know fuck all about the subject :)
You have 12hours to kill. Again? Another cringe fest where you try and convince us youve got wit, balls, or an intellect is futile. But how can we help you reach meltdown stage. Im anticipating a doozy, the pus sack between your shoulders explodes, along with other repulsive surprises that are festering in your cloaca.
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Well-Known Member
It was mostly about immigration, so yeah, racism and xenophobia.
I have no problem with immigration at all.

I voted out

If it was as simple as you suggest, why would I or others, do that?

Now I appreciate the media made it about two issues, the economy and immigration...but then I'm sure you know how the media work.

I ask any one of you who wants to talk brexit to answer one question...

Constitutionally, what measures are in place to stop it becoming a dictatorial police state?

You might find that affected the way people voted but, of course, the media failed to highlight this


Well-Known Member
I know that question is a bit too complicated for some...but this is a politics thread, I know some will get it.

the hollow, weak trolls will just resort to type and hurl insults

But then they are hollow, weak trolls, what else can they be


Well-Known Member
Now, just because America is one step away from becoming a police state

Courtesy of the Orwellian patriot act

Doesn't mean we have to follow suit

Go democracy
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