Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Hillary is such a career criminal she won't even debate without cheating,her earpiece has been spotted,her wireless transmitter under her pants suit spotted,her podium swept clean of all evidence by her echelon,and her hand signals have been called out .

Everything Hillary is connected with is part of the long con,Hillary can't be trusted

Career criminals. Doesn't a person have to commit a criminal offense in order to be a criminal?

You sure do cry a lot.


Well-Known Member
I do agree that that some Christians take the whole cross thing a little far. Catholics are really bad about this. Praying to Mary, the Saints and asking forgiveness from the priest, who are all men. Nothing wrong with having religious motifs but when you give them power and pray to them it becomes an Idol.
My point is, that whether or not the act of kneeling in front of an alter with a crucifix on it and praying to God or Jesus is idolatry depends on faith. A person of faith can believe that the crucifix is an idol and be just as correct as @Flaming Pie who "sees it as a reminder" and not an idol. This kind of belief is a matter of faith.

Much of anti-Islamic fervor by Fundamentalist or Evangelical Christians in this country stem from misunderstandings that begins with rejecting another person's belief. The same would go for Fundamentalist Muslim people as well but they don't seem to show up much on a pot board.
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