Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
@Illinois - Did they ban your panhead account? Is that why you are so super buttfrustrated and pissy? Is that why you have engaged in this social justice war against the dems here?

You know you can just start a fresh account with the same name and people will probably not only welcome you back, but respect you. I can tell you, hiding behind a sock isn't scoring your team any points at all, dude.

Praise Alah.


Well-Known Member

First of all, why did you delete your comment, bro? it was a fair observation. But, If you don't think it's teams, then I have a shocking revelation for you. We live in a 2 party system. That means someone always loses. If their team wants to engage in a social justice war against dems, that is their business. But, my last statement stands. Hiding behind a fake account to bitch and moan about members on the opposite team here while talking about honesty and being upfront, then that makes them salty hypocrites, doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
Damn right,the Democratic Party would have lynched you quicker than ants to a picnic .

Nothing is off limits for the radicals who created the Ku Klux Klan,that would be a great debate question topic for Hillary KKK Klinton,why did she allow herself to be mentored by an admitted racist grand cyclops,why did she swoon over him calling him the salt of the earth,why did she claim men like him made murica great .

Three decades of theft,incompetence & murder is Hillary's legacy .
yeah, they should ask her why she was mentored by a guy with a 100% NAACP rating. that'll hurt her bad.

then they can ask why every single white supremacy group, including the KKK, is supporting trump.

show us a picture of your neo-nazi tattoo.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3793908

First of all, why did you delete your comment, bro? it was a fair observation. But, If you don't think it's teams, then I have a shocking revelation for you. We live in a 2 party system. That means someone always loses. If their team wants to engage in a social justice war against dems, that is their business. But, my last statement stands. Hiding behind a fake account to bitch and moan about members on the opposite team here while talking about honesty and being upfront, then that makes them salty hypocrites, doesn't it?
I deleted it because it wasn't worth the onslaught of replys I was going to get.everyone likes to call people sock puppets on here but it seems to be the same ppl liking eachother posts are the real puppets.pretty sad when members don't feel comfortable expressing opinions on here.I like this site,there's cool members who like to talk growing,that's what I'll stick to.these political threads on this site are like a bad car wreck though....


Well-Known Member
I deleted it because it wasn't worth the onslaught of replys I was going to get.everyone likes to call people sock puppets on here but it seems to be the same ppl liking eachother posts are the real puppets.pretty sad when members don't feel comfortable expressing opinions on here.I like this site,there's cool members who like to talk growing,that's what I'll stick to.these political threads on this site are like a bad car wreck though....


Well-Known Member
This whole thing is like watching Hillary (the Roadrunner) defeat every dumbfuck scheme that Donald (Wile.E. Coyote) can dream up...except he's using Trump-branded gadgets instead of good old Acme. Same result though...everything hilariously blows up in his face!!! Carry On


Well-Known Member
@naturegirl - Just the fact that you know that term makes me weary of you are trying to get out of this section. Every other month a "new" poster comes in here crying about how socks are mistreated. They almost ALWAYS wind up being a previous poster with a grudge. So who was your original account before you got banned?


Well-Known Member
@naturegirl - Just the fact that you know that term makes me weary of you are trying to get out of this section. Every other month a "new" poster comes in here crying about how socks are mistreated. They almost ALWAYS wind up being a previous poster with a grudge. So who was your original account before you got banned?
Well I'm not a previous poster,Cap.


Well-Known Member
I deleted it because it wasn't worth the onslaught of replys I was going to get.everyone likes to call people sock puppets on here but it seems to be the same ppl liking eachother posts are the real puppets.pretty sad when members don't feel comfortable expressing opinions on here.I like this site,there's cool members who like to talk growing,that's what I'll stick to.these political threads on this site are like a bad car wreck though....
Maybe, just maybe, it's not an issue of "democratic socks", maybe it's an issue of terrible people being on the wrong side of history.

Just a zany theory.


Well-Known Member
Stfu snitch,funny how every snitch like you has a reason to justify them snitching on others for their own benefit .

too many growers doing time due to snitches like you for you to be on a site with thousands of growers not wanting to be snitched on .

Take your good tellin ass back to fagbook with your snitch rat buddies .

What's it like getting punked for five years in prison ?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
i didn't demand anything. i asked if they were aware that one of their self-identified employees was saying racist shit on social media.

apparently they weren't.

he's not one of their employees anymore. you angry?
yeah,right on snitch Sissy :dunce:

all you informant types have your own special method for intelligence gathering .
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