Hillary can't be trusted

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Boohoo. More fear mongering. I guess all those people should of had to wait for the press to arrive. What about all the events hillary had with no press?
Why do you ignore the question as to why your husband was booted out the service. Trump says him or someone in his family is a rapist, drug dealer or murderer. Is Trump correct about your husband ? Was he booted out the service for rape or drug dealing. How did this make you feel after you were force to beg for food-stamps because your husband could not fulfill his military commitment.
Why do you ignore the question as to why your husband was booted out the service. Trump says him or someone in his family is a rapist, drug dealer or murderer. Is Trump correct about your husband ? Was he booted out the service for rape or drug dealing. How did this make you feel after you were force to beg for food-stamps because your husband could not fulfill his military commitment.
Boohoo. More fear mongering. I guess all those people should of had to wait for the press to arrive. What about all the events hillary had with no press?
LOL. Yeah they try to say it is fueled by Trump and Republicans. Do you think maybe it ever crosses their minds that it is actually fueled by their own incompetence and bias? And riiiighhht, just like a drive by Saddam's Palace. Do you think, blondie, that hyperbolic bullshit like that statement may be fuel for the bad press poll numbers also. Leftists and their media are so fucking stupid.
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i really wanna know how mr. pie got booted.
he did something and was told on.
If we were to guess using Trumps assumptions, her husband was raping people after he sold them drugs with the threat of murder.
@Flaming Pie was so desperate and lonely that she stayed with him and they as a family went on foodstamps and WIC. He still may be raping and drug selling with threats of murder
he did something and was told on.
If we were to guess using Trumps assumptions, her husband was raping people after he sold them drugs with the threat of murder.
@Flaming Pie was so desperate and lonely that she stayed with him and they as a family went on foodstamps and WIC. He still may be raping and drug selling with threats of murder

didn't flaming pie also try to claim that she served?
and what does this have to do with @Flaming Pie husband ? Are you agreeing with Trump that Mexican men are rapist, drug dealers and or murderers
No, showing that people like you who try to pin such things on others are more than likely guilty of it.
Your line of questioning here continues to show your lack of class. Andy's stamp of approval gives you bonus puke points.
No, showing that people like you who try to pin such things on others are more than likely guilty of it.
Your line of questioning here continues to show your lack of class. Andy's stamp of approval gives you bonus puke points.

so your hero trump is wrong? mexicans aren't invariably rapists and drug dealers who are here to murder white children?

i suppose the next thing you'll say is that obama was born in the united states and isn't a secret muslim.
No, showing that people like you who try to pin such things on others are more than likely guilty of it.
Your line of questioning here continues to show your lack of class. Andy's stamp of approval gives you bonus puke points.
Hey not my fault that Trump thinks that people in her family are rapist, murderers, and or drug dealers. Also not my fault that @Flaming Pie husband was booted out the service forcing her, him and the baby on WIC and foodstamps.
Hillary, Hillary, HILLARY...

you realize birtherism started in 2004 while obama was still in state politics, right? and that hillary never pushed the theory, right? and what few of her supporters did, dropped it as soon as they saw evidence to the contrary, like the birth announcement, right?

or are you really this fucking blind?
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