Hiker music

too larry

Well-Known Member
I've been e-hiking this morning, much like everyday when I'm not on the trail. Was watching Seven and some of his Hiker Trash Videos. Forrest has always been a favorite, so I thought I would share.


too larry

Well-Known Member
The most played song on the trail. Try as hard as you like not to, but even after 10-12 miles of PUDS, you will sing along if someone starts it up.


too larry

Well-Known Member
Sadly too much trail music is this sleep inducing stuff. I guess you could use it to rock you to sleep if your canna coconut oil isn't working.


too larry

Well-Known Member
the riff raff party starts on monday or tuesday and runs till thursday when everyone walks on to trail days. Always some good tunes.



Well-Known Member
The Forrest vid in the OP is interesting. The later solo vids aren't as charged, but he has a good sense of harmony. He would be fun to jam with.