hijack clone +rep 4 input


Well-Known Member
hi guys im running into problems with my hijack clone it has been rooted for a few days i have put it in to canna soil and now the top is shrivilling up/ small new growth really strange anyone know why my clone is doing this they are getting brown tips is my soil too hot or something i have only gave em plain water had this happen to the last one


Well-Known Member
Brand new clones don't really need fertilizers, so if the soil is fertilized they are most likely being over fed.


Well-Known Member
i havent gave em anything yet the soil has got nutes in it temps are at 82 with co2 +rep 4 u both i will post sum pics at lights on im in soil as well i had this happen to the last hijack clone it grew out of it i have another ak48 clone behind it and shes doing fine i cant get my head round this one