hii Please help me


New Member
Hello, my name is Meyer, I'm from Israel and I wanted to ask a question, I'm new in this area and I potted one growth tent, the seed of Afghan Dream, if I grow well before any guides how should go about Potted after dry flower already?
Thank you,


Active Member
For starters..use an alias...not your name...but all is cool. And I am sorry, I re-read this about 5 times..and not sure really what you are asking., but willing to help if you can make it a bit more clear.


Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome, we are all willing to help, unfortunately your english is not too good. how about trying again, or have a friend help you.


Well-Known Member
Shalom Meyer,
My Hebrew name is Meyer!
you have one plant, yes.
The plant has two stages, Vegatative and Flowering.
is the plant in soil?
what age is The Plant?
do you have nutrients?
you have a tent, yes!
what type of Light are you using?
What light schedule are you using?
(Keeping light schedule 12/12 if you want slightly quicker results)

With lights set to 12 on 12 off as soon as the plant is mature it will show its sex.

female = is good, Keep it
male = no good, kill it
Good Luck!


Active Member
Welcome Meyer.
Nooooooo, don't kill the male, put him near a window for light away from your girls [if you don't have a separate cupboard & light] & collect the pollen [there are threads here to teach you how] when it matures.
As you gain experience you'll want to grow seed. You can do heaps worse than Afghan Dream to use as a cross.

Read the stickied threads in the growing sections & increase your knowledge. I've been growing for years but still have much to learn.

The most important thing to remember is to keep things SIMPLE. Good luck.


New Member
Shalom Meyer,
My Hebrew name is Meyer!
you have one plant, yes.
The plant has two stages, Vegatative and Flowering.
is the plant in soil? yes
what age is The Plant? 1 week
do you have nutrients?yes
you have a tent, yes!
what type of Light are you using? 250w
What light schedule are you using?
(Keeping light schedule 12/12 if you want slightly quicker results)

With lights set to 12 on 12 off as soon as the plant is mature it will show its sex.

female = is good, Keep it :yes
male = no good, kill it
Good Luck!


New Member
I have one plant and I use all the vitamins and ingredients nutrients my English is not good Because of I use language translator and I have all the ingredients in the best quality I just want to know how can get me one potted plant if I treat Let the best it can be by all the instructors set up thanks again