Highs have more and more hallucinations?


Well-Known Member
first time i smoked super silver haze, i had an out of body experience of sorts, i though that my conscience was somewhere outside of my body, controlling what it did like a puppet. it was absurd, and really made me not want to smoke the strain again. i did, and i got a similar experience except i was playing super smash bros. melee and i thought i was actually Ganondorf(character i chose)
First time I smoked dank, I felt like I was a minute behind in time, crazy shit, and then I came back to the present, then went into the future (in my body movements) . . . although, when I think about it, it might have just been me being crazy :)


Well-Known Member
haha ya the first time i got high. similar to the tounge digging thru roof of mouth. i was eating(munching) cereal and was sooo sttoned and thought i couldnt feel my tounge and was accidentally chewwing it off and swallowing it with my cereal. ;) lol hahaha it was fuckeeddd i wwas actually scared i might eat my own tounge


Active Member
i dunno guys .. even the most novice I've smoked with just gets sweaty and pukes ... I still say if it makes you see things .. it may just not be for you - not a normal reaction at all tbh

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
my first high was on northern lights, and it is still my favorite high. it was the best strain for a first, potent, mix of head and body, euphoric. totally recommend it to anyone who wants to try smoking herb for the first time.


Active Member
being high can be like being in a meditative state

senses are extremely heightened on it for some people


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I get the CEVs sometimes (especially if music is playing) and hear music like high|hgih, but not music my brain makes up. It's music I know, but it sounds like it's being played on an old timey radio that's kinda far away. It's weird. I won't say that I've really tripped on just weed but I've been close a couple times, generally the feeling is just "trippy."
Its not always made up, thats only if I'm REALLY stoned. The last time that happened was when smoking some of that incense stuff the kinds that murdered me into hallucinations and tripping balls off two bowls are 'stoopid', 'cloud 9', and 'headtrip'. Phew those things pack a punch man

hes Link's nemesis, and hes fucking amazing in smashbros melee
check it > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uleY7...eature=related
Lol you know what I mean :p but I love super smach bros melee dude, I can only get to playing it when I am using a camecube controller, but when I ave that its fun as SHIT! I love being a little fag and using metaknight


Active Member
My first time I got really up there I had some crazy out of body experiences must just be the way my brain reacts to tons of THC; maybe I'm also slipping into a dreamlike sleep state without realizing it. Either way I'm going with it :bigjoint:


Active Member
Don't get me wrong, I have to smoke A LOT of weed before the weird shit happens. Like, at least twice as much as I regularly smoke. I don't know about the incense stuff, I've never tried it.



Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong, I have to smoke A LOT of weed before the weird shit happens. Like, at least twice as much as I regularly smoke. I don't know about the incense stuff, I've never tried it.
If youd like to just blast yourself into your first high off 4 hits, smoke incense. Don't do it regularly though for obvious reasons


New Member
Are you referring to some strain called "incense" or are you seriously advocating someone ignite incense and inhale it? NEVER do that....


Active Member
I think he's talking about the stuff marketed as "incense," the stuff that comes in 200mg sample packs...