hey assholes, ya'll can reee late to dis ..
did you see this yet? this is hysterical...have a smashing weekend
That was good doc! "Now where the fuck did that qtr go? Yeah I was drafted right after I saw Iron Butterfly,,,,didn't actually go to Nam though, I was stationed in New Jersy. Well your going to have to pay for the qtr I lost dude" ahahaha
Glad I'm a grower and not a dealer lol. Have a good one baby!
HC, those are gorgeous! Thicky thick stemmed girls eh? Mmm hhmmmm
Hope y'all all(or all y'all) have a groovy evening!
Hey owlman what happenin
Evening wasn't particulaly groovy, morning is though bro! Yeah I potted 5 girls into 3.5s, 2 of them were the PK x SAD, 2 C4 and my keeper C99 cut. They are all going to explode I can see it already!
Is that cookie kicking in yet man? lol

mornin' cave dwellers!
I have to share this, dropped my favorite piece in the sink and of course it broke. This lead way to getting a new favorite, shower head base to 11 arm tree double perc bub!
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That's awesome cowboy! What a shitty feeling though it must have been when your piece fell into the sink. You know if I go over to the kitchen counter and give my bong just a little nudge hmm lol,,,,,,,,,,maybe I'll end up with a nicer piece too
Friggen blizzard,,,,,,,,,,she made it to washington from vegas yesterday but with all the flights backed up we couldn't find anything nonstop up to the airport here so she's taking amtrak all the way back. That will get her to the southern part of the state late tonight. I told her I would drive down to DC to get her, it's like 12 hrs definitly doable. Made her feel good that I offered.