Man I love the rain. Sitting on the porch with some coffee and a bongo of OG x LLOG watching it come down. Working outdoors for 35 yrs I have gotten so I don't particulary care for the sun anymore. Unless I'm on a beach lol. Seems the shittier the weather the more content I am
I love CJ! I'm sitting on some of those beans from a certain friend of ours in the Dam. . . it'll get'cha if you're not careful, lol.
How's it going pops : ?) If I'm not mistaken those CJ beans that your sitting on are related to my casey jones x headband (Caseyband or CB) that I used in a lot of my crosses. Comes from the Grey Area originaly, it was the cut that they entered into the cup a few years ago
Those are gonna be dank as fuck, you GP was frost as fuck and the p10 cross i had was dankity dank. Good things coming out of that batch.
I remember pics of your P10 x CB that you grew, it looked super man! I was bummed that you didn't get any cuts from it but no biggie lol. A lot of those beans went out early on but not too many peeps grew them out. To bad cause that strain is a sleeper I'm thinking. I left myself 15 seeds to play with this winter and continue that cross.
Your BC x Lush are coming down to the kitchen today to get watered, I'll take some pics for you.
Handsome dog you got there HC. The black one

Thanks BC he's a good one. His father was a black shepherd and his mother a black lab. He's about as smart as a person and loyal as they come
Go for the Caliband man, ive got 6 in the ground atm 12/12FS, from seed breaking ground to em being 18" high an flowering was 3 weeks 1 day and theyve just kept going since, they are currently bout 9-10 wks old, been flowering for bout 6 of those an im easily gonna get 2oz a plant dry with no topping or training, just straight up left em alone since they sprouted. Also i accidently snapped a bit of popcorn off few days ago so thought fuck it dry it out n smoke it and for 6 wk old bud its fucking stronger already then the BSBxCB was when it was finished.
Also i remember someone telling me ages back that both the BSBxCB and the straight BSB and also the black rose were all low on potency and were mainly used for breeding colour into other projects.
BSBxCB by Highlanders Cave.
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Hey rimnner what's the good word mang!
That's how I have grown out all the Calibands too...12/12 from seed (about 40). There are 4 different phenotypes and all but one is a good yeilder and they all grew a terminal cola straight up. Made to order for a sog. Throw some pics up when you get a chance and by the way that bsb x cb is about as pretty as they come haha!
im havin trouble with my p10 x GA seeds germing.. still havent had one pop its head up yet.. =( just put the last 2 in paper towels yesterday.. hopin they germ.. or some of the others pop up.. im really lookin forward to it.. dropped a few Blue Giesels in paper towels too. its cali connections OGiesel x Blue Mystic.. should be an interesting cross. got them from SomeGuy.. who gave me the Purple PineApples.. which are doin great as well. got 1 clone of the purple pineapple to root too. which im happy about. i was worried it wouldnt root... =/ the blueberrys truckin along as well. =) so far so good. =D
Must be a sign mango hmmm.....not sure of what though

Glad the Blueberry is healthy though,,,50/50 chance it will be female and about a one in three chance it will be a good phenotype. I'm thinking your going to beat the odds little bro and if you don't well then those other 4 beans are yours
That ogxllog sounds like some really dank weed I really like that tippy weed that hits your head hard, I'm about to update my thread with some pics of some 3.5 week into flowering Caliband and black sour bubble. Only 5 and a half more weeks hopefully they fill out well. Had an accident with my Caliband accidentally super cropped it. I really like that little picture album of the Caliband.
I'll try and swing over today and check them out : !)
Well, hell, I'll call off my guard owls and let your eagle through. Call it neutral airspace..
You fukkin rock HC.
I'll give you the addy to an email account
Wow that og cross looks daaank and plump looks like a pretty nice yielder. Your p10 is derived from tga's vortex right? Looks like some fire so does that grape apollo. I'm sure that the cross is gonna be beyond ridiculous I'm gonna take some pics of my plants today when the lights turn on. Looks like I already found some nice phenotypes that I'm considering for a new run but I have to decide Caliband or black sour bubble? I'm thinking about starting a second little room identical to my current one and do above sog with one of my strains
The P10 is a phenotype that I found of subbys Void (Apollo 13 x Querkel), it has traits of both parents with the high of the apollo and the grapey taste of the Querkle and finishes at day 50 with decent yeilds. I named it after I realized it was a was number 10 of the original group and was growing it in the winter so it was quite purple hence Purple 10 which eventually got shortened to P10.
I have high hopes for the cross, I love the soaring motivational potent high that the apollo has, both are done by day 50 - 52 with decent yeilds from both. I'm looking for some added vigor in veg from the cross as the P10 is a slow vegger and the GA has some super hybrid vigor and grows to a good height fast. I have 12 to work with that are just entering veg stage...stay tuned hehe
Oh and do your sog with the Cailband not the BSB, she is just what your looking for and does wonderful in a sog
This last bowl I puffed must have been a sativa or somethin,
I just hit this point of anxiety.
Either way, the last seven pages inspired me to do another seed batch.
I'm about to go plant four CaliBands
Now I'm really overflowing..
Haha hey indie that put a smile on my face! Go Caliband go!!!
Morning all how are we?
Got dentist at midday then need to get some pics up of these Caliband as promised lol
Having a nice cozy morning up here in the cave mate. Must be getting on towards happy hour over your way lol. Be looking forward to pics they sound like some beasters : !)