Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
Great review CHB!!
You have really sold it there!!
thanks man. yeaa this is a real great strain. jsut wish i had more info on it. =/ i dont like not knowin wat im growin. lol. i kno its bomb. Nirvanas weekend whopper is the nirvana indoor femenized mix pack. just 5 random seeds. unlabeled.. like a box of chocolate. lol. im tempted to get it. and have been in the past.. but i dont like not knowing. lol. if they were labelled i would deff grab'em.

anywayzz.. if any1 can ever find this strain.. deff pick it up asap!


Well-Known Member
Hey man what's going on!

Great report thanks for that : !) Very descriptive too. Did she weigh out a little more than what you usually average on a plant? And don't go spending any money on BB seeds just yet little bro ; !)
no problemo. =) and yeaa shes deff heavier than most of the strain ive been growing. i think the blue dream will deff beat it out tho. the BD buds are hardening up alot. i was surprised. i thought they would stay fat, but loose (hahaha. pun intended) but theyre hardenin up nice and foxtailing out a lil bit.

and ahhhhhhh..... ok. i see. ;) i like the sounds of that. lol. youll have to PM me more details. = ? how bout them sox huh? =) finally playin the way we should be.. wait till mid jun/july... wen we get a few of our better players back. =D


Aha that mod sounds like some fire for sure looks really kushy. A nice layer of frost, that's easily top shelf bud. Would love to take a hit of that dank


Well-Known Member
Mmmm. the pink BSB pheno is the keeper pheno for sure! pretty sure thats the one HC is running as well. i had 3 phenos all together.. a darker purple one.. and med. purple one. and the hot pink one.. pretty much all green with pink hues to it here and there.. smells like candy.. very sweet to smoke.. nice dense buds.. very frosty. and one of the most potent strains ive smoked. im sure HC has more info on it. but u lucked out if u got that 1 man. i willl be hunting for that pheno again sumtime soon


Well-Known Member
"High" Highlander , got my pips from pukka , thanking you muchly :)
Not sure if you got / read my PM i sent you .

Got a lemon candy in flower at minute , just starting to do something ... man this one was strange , it vegged under my 2 x 20w strip lights for about 5 weeks , grew about 4 inch max but must of had at least 7 - 10 nodes all compact , stuck it into flower and it did not show sex or do anything for at least another 3-3.5 weeks , and it has JUST decided to show some hairs !!! my exodus and psycosis cuts i stuck in flower at same time are almost done maybe another 2 or so week on them so thats how long behind it was lmao ... you had any do this ?


Well-Known Member
@ robbiep thats the indica pheno man, lovely bitch she is..

and i had the pink bsb as well, if you were going to keep one it would be that one, i also had the dark purple.


Well-Known Member
@ robbiep thats the indica pheno man, lovely bitch she is..

and i had the pink bsb as well, if you were going to keep one it would be that one, i also had the dark purple.
did your indica pheno take forever lmao ?

how long was the flowering time ? cheers for the input man :)


Well-Known Member
Mine finished right before my eyes lol, one week it was all white hairs, next week it was done crispy.
But at 7 or so weeks im not so sure. really i don't even know how far along she really is though. but i have it written down as starting flower on 9-20-11. i just don't want it to be overcooked. or under for that matter. How long do you think i should let her go. It is Lemon Qleaner x Caseyband.




Some of the only white pistils on her.


Well-Known Member
thanks HC yea im gonna trade em bsb ill save the cb cross then for myself. Ill dispatch that email tomorrow

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go. Going to be another hot one, almost hit 90 yesterday. Go in for a few hours and back before lunch ; !)

Puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>Blueberry anyone yum yum very nice lol


Well-Known Member
Mmmmmm. BlueBerryyyy... =p lol. yeaaaa it was hot as shit yesterday! me and the girl went out driving arouind.. and 1 of my arms and on eof her legs got burnt just from the way the sun was coming into the car. lmao. cooled down today tho. a lil wet/damp.


Well-Known Member
Hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go. Going to be another hot one, almost hit 90 yesterday. Go in for a few hours and back before lunch ; !)

Puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>Blueberry anyone yum yum very nice lol
ill take take, puff puff bro!

My bb almost dry...The early nugs thou.... I like that plan, Ill see you at lunch too


Well-Known Member
Mmmmmm. BlueBerryyyy... =p lol. yeaaaa it was hot as shit yesterday! me and the girl went out driving arouind.. and 1 of my arms and on eof her legs got burnt just from the way the sun was coming into the car. lmao. cooled down today tho. a lil wet/damp.
ha! that makes me think of my dad haha he always just had one arm tan from always driving w. it out the window or agaist the glass ...Now I feel like i need to call him


Well-Known Member
ha! that makes me think of my dad haha he always just had one arm tan from always driving w. it out the window or agaist the glass ...Now I feel like i need to call him
lol. yeaa that happens alot wen its that sunny out.. cuz we tend to go on long drives and house-look and shhhmoke. and glad i made ya call him. =) my dad sucks... soo i wont be calling him. lol. only seen him a few times in my life... and about 1/2 of the times were at court wen he was tryna get outta payin child support... fucker! =/