Dizzle Frost
Well-Known Member
nice lil crew you got there bro...and that short male would be my pick to by lookin at it
hahaha. yeaaa i caught the end of the game. =) adn was pretty happy with wat i saw. =D and yeaa i dont do much wen i get home. jsut smoke.. watch tv. and pass out. lol. jsut checked out all the plants. the BSB x CB looks soo awesome man.. it glistens... has almsot a shiny coating of purple. =) also sum other good news.. mites have been minimized.. ive had that no pest strip in there at night for the last week and 1/2... adn before.. i would notcie small webs on lower leaves/buds of plants frequently. adn be able 2 see the mites in plain site.... now... no webbing. and checked around for about 10 mins... and couldnt ssee amy live mites... just gonna keep that NPS in there for a lil longer.. it seem sot be doin the trick... last time i only left it in there for a few days.. adn then wen i didnt see them anymore.. i took it out... i jsut been ptin it in every night out of habit... and jsut realized now that there are no webs and/or visible mites!! -=DChris! What say man. I watched some of the the broncos game and rooted for them because one of my bros here were lol. Don't know how you have time to catch your breath man with the hours you work haha. Oh right, your just a pup ; !). I'll catch up with you, the flojas got a good foliar soaking of nitrozime last night, we'll see if that helps them show sex. Really looking forward to growing these out man, You can just tell they are going to be beautiful plants![]()
Hey mate how are things in your neck of the woods. Just chillen waiting for my baby to get up and go to her chores at the horse barn so I can get into my gardening. Never got anything potted up last night or trimmed last night so that needs to get done this morning along with everything else.hey hc man, perp still rolling like thunder! cant wait to see the larry x chem d. and your floja's look like they really like being tied down. nice lst skills man.
yeaaa those flojas are sum freaky lady's. like bein tied down and cut and shit. hahahahey hc man, perp still rolling like thunder! cant wait to see the larry x chem d. and your floja's look like they really like being tied down. nice lst skills man.
your a busy fella HC. always working or gardening. shows in the end product though for sure. good luck pheno hunting chief! watch out man i hear crackens can be fierce when woken...Hey mate how are things in your neck of the woods. Just chillen waiting for my baby to get up and go to her chores at the horse barn so I can get into my gardening. Never got anything potted up last night or trimmed last night so that needs to get done this morning along with everything else.
Yeah I'm looking forward to T's genetics man fo sure. I'm going to run the males right up to just before their flowers open before I make my decision on who is the keeper stud, they are at arounds 10 days or so now. Being able to watch their characteristics in flower for a little while will allow me to make a more educated decision on who to keep instead of just guessing.
Time to wake the cracken lol
hahah sounds like one of those dodgy japanese 'adult' films....yeaaa those flojas are sum freaky lady's. like bein tied down and cut and shit. hahaha
hahah sounds like one of those dodgy japanese 'adult' films....
ooooooooo yeahhhhh. ive seen sum fucked up shit before man.. with horse.... the craziest one ive een was these african tribe lookin ppl... they were in a room naked with a pig. rubbing all over it.. then this bitch goes under the bed and takes out a friggin knife... and kills the pig.... and they cover themselves with the blood.... and pull out organs and wat not... they eat sumthing out of it... not quite sure wat it was... adn then start havin sex on the bed with the dead pig on the bed with them... yeaaaa... i shut it off after that.... that was enuff for me....man i've never been the same since i found a porno under a couch in one of my old houses. japanese girls with dogs. mentalists the japs. every man jack of them.
lmao.. yeaaaa didnt mean to bring that shit into ur thread. lmao.Wellll, to switch gears here before my journal goes totally down the gutter hahaha.....
Still waiting for the Ice x Caseyband seeds to mature,,,,they really should be done by now, hmmmm. BUT! There was another albiet unintentional recipiant of the Ice x CB pollen,,,,when I spluffed the ice cross there was quite a bit of pollen on her and maybe I either should have isolated her for a couple of days or I think westy wets them down after they have been spluffed, but anyways there were only 5 plants in that run...2 Ice x CB and 3 Dogs. And so far I have smoked about a qtr oz of the DOG and I'm getting on average a seed per bud! And it's not too difficult to figure out where the seeds come from lol. Sorry D brother, I had no intention of working with your pride and joy but where there are seeds there are future pot plants.
hahahaha. yeaaa i think once the seeds are ready. and they hit the shelves.. well... the web page.... lol. i think thyere gonna do great! ive had soooo many ppl askin me for sum over the last 6 months or so... glad i can finally tell them there will be sum available... thanks to HC and is great work breeding. =) it'll be even cooler if i can tell them theres a selection too... green or purple pheno. =)Morning ya'll
Sup Mr. HC Man!?!
Damn got everyone all worked up with the Flojas huh lol
Chris getting frothy lol
That structure must come from double purple doja because the flo I have seen actually kinda looks like crap. One of the ugliest chicks I ever laid eyes on. As you would expect from a sleeper, it's not the paint you are impressed by right? That looks interesting, kinda stretchy but nice structure. Yet another far out specimen up in the cave!