The skies must be crowded, either that or the bird got lost...that was quite a while for you to get that. Or maybe it wasn't and I'm so stoned it feels like it was (which is prolly more likely). Either way I'm glad they arrived and hope you have fun with them! There's plenty of info and pics of all the strains but you'll have to wade a lot of shit shooting, if you have any specific questions feel free to ask : !)Romulans and friends landed in the Great White North yesterday! They'll be setting up shop real soon.
Hey there HC, just went back about a month to catch up on you thread and get the scoop on this gear, that was so generously dropped in my lap, which I did easily. Thanks very much. Had to give up and skip to the end here though, but I'll be back.
Hey man stoner that I am I just copied and pasted this lol,,,,,,No, that was not too bad. It was a long weekend here, last, so that choked it up a bit but just about as I predicted so all's good.
I, like many guys around these days it seems, am holding out until I move, but I think I just changed plans. Currently I'm a 2 square meter tent with a 600. I want to double that up, but I can't do it here. My veg cabinet is empty and doing nothing. I want to get into running some of this gear I've accumulated and start doing some real selection and crossing but again, it's too soon. I don't want to start out just crossing any old thing. I did cross a couple of Heris and Purp with an Extrema male for a handful of beans from each but that was just experimental. As well as the Jack Hammer girl and boy I bred, which their offspring are doing really well too. Who knows, those crosses may be dynamite! Anyway, long story getting longer, I do think I have time to work with a dozen of these Romulan and pick a nice boy and girl to hook up to keep things going. By the time I'll be ready to flower, if I do it right with selection and cloning first, I'll probably be moved by then.
So I say, so it shall be.
Question. What's the difference between the 1 and 3 Romulan? Different Mommies?
cool. i wanna see thepcis of the roms. =) and no i still havetn figured it out!!!! BSB x black rose?? i really dont kno man.. i was just goin back a bunch of pages and looked.. adn didnt really see anythign about new crosses besides the BSB x BSB... and hmmmm... documenting a grow huh..... ? sounds fun. hahahaha you already know i'd be interested man... im alwasy interested! =D im started the lemon qleaners and the dogs.. adn was gonna start the black rose... but maybe i should hold off on startin the black rose.. just in case u need sum1 else 2 document a grow on this mystery strain!! ive taken soo many guesses too... and still cant figure it out... adn i kno wen u tell me... im gonna be like wow.... how didnt i see that! hahahaha. pissed cant smoke 2day.. adn didnt smoke yesterday.. went 2 an interview yesterday... and got a 2nd interview 2day... adn got the job.. adn they said to give my new job 2 weeks notice... but... last minute they were like ok.... well teh only thing that stands between u and this job is a drug test.............. dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnn... lol. soo im gonna just chug madd water and hope for the best.. i used to do that to pass my d-tests surin probation..... sooo we'll see wat happens.. but yeaaa.. i give up man... wats the cross...? lolYeah isn't coffee and canibus a nice combination! Just made a fresh pot myself lol. I go through a crazy amount of half and half though, I need to get in and have my cholesteral checked. Never been a problem but I would be suprised if it's not elevated now.
My Romulans are at 6 weeks now so I'll start taking pics soon. They smell potent and buds are very dense.
So Chris, you never figured out what the new mystery strain is. Aeviaana knows hehe. Going to be looking for a few growers who would be interested in documenting a grow of it.