Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Another wet morning, kind of a crappy spring just like last year friggen La Nina lol. Going down to the job site to get them set on some under cover work then back here to put on my farmer hat haha. I like this job a hell of a lot more than my cover business especially when the weather is shit ; !)

Puff puff pass Grape Apollo >>>>>>>>>>>


Well-Known Member
Wet morning around here as well. I was gonna collect some rainwater but i had already filled my bucket with organic tea. Its amazing how easy it is. hope all is well up at the cave . have a good one!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Wet morning around here as well. I was gonna collect some rainwater but i had already filled my bucket with organic tea. Its amazing how easy it is. hope all is well up at the cave . have a good one!
Hey T all is pretty good in the cave,,,,sitting on the porch trimming up the last of the Grape Apollo right now. And watching develop the 5 acre field around my house that used to be our land....7 lots, 4 new houses and they are working on the other 3. Tandems filled with dirt coming and going non stop. How all of this doesn't bother the shit out of me I don't know. Guess I'm just happy I ended up with this house and it didna get sold too.

Six female Lush all upcanned and vegging under the 1k with the flowering girls. They will get flipped in 3 weeks, think I'm going to top them a second time in a day or two

Old time rock right now,,,The Guess Who

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
No so far they are all dicks,,,duel income couple a kids. Very straight. But funny yesterday there was a black couple in their mid to late 40s looking at the lot right out in front of the porch and my drivway. I was thinking to myself I would much much much rather have them move there than a couple of more dicks, or just as bad dinks,,,duel income no kids


Well-Known Member
i feel you, im glad my new neighbors are cool. been there bout a month and there pretty chill. smoke/drink and own a auto shop. which is a plus for me .

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i hate land developers with a passion! they see some nice virgin land and just fuck it up with uglyass houses ... as far as niegbors go, white ones IMHO are the shittiest lol ... i liveed next door to a christian Iraqi (ex soldier kewlshit) an African fam (kewl as fuck) soem quiet asians ... now my honky nighbors! ive punched the fuck outa the one dude...threatened his buddies life and i got one old lady that always calls the cops for whatever reasons lol ... THB i enjoy soem ghetto livin more than anything, id get kicked out of a subdivision lol.... theyd runme outa town LOL


Well-Known Member
I will agree, but only because ive noticed white neighbors are much more nosey and standoffish, call animal control, and shit like that. But im black so i guess it come with the territory. they hate to see the young blacouple with 3 dogs n no kids move in.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Thats exzactly what im talkin about right there! nosey ass mofos! im white too lol but i aint no bizzy body asshole , i grew up in the projects were black, white, yellow and browns all are the same and equals , least i look at it that way , we all live in the same boat so lol. I can always tell the folk who arnt used to ghetto folk by their "im better than you" look. Funny thing is anytime ive ever needed help guess who helped me out? not the fuckin im to good for you white folks LOL


Well-Known Member
Very true, I get the look from my other neighbors frequently.Its almost like they are scared of me. when the mailman put some of my mail in there box(nextdoor mind you) they waited til the next day and gave it back to the mailman who put it in mine. i was kinda mad because it was a bill and they couldve brought it over. But me being me i love everyone, just choose to love some from a distance.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I feel you brotha! I get looked at like Charles Manson, same thing to ... they walk on the other side of the road. Their loss i guess.... the worst looking nighbors are usualy good ones, the stupid part is..all those people who dotn talk to me or like me becuase of how i look will secretly tell you NOTHING gets stolen from my block becuase of me lol , they seem to like that part but are "too good" to be nice. Oh well.

I went thru the mail BS with a neigbor like yurs... used to ppiss me off more than anything. Fear is a fuckin brutal thing to have to deal with i guess lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
My chick was just saying the other day it's a good thing you have me here (she don't live here just usually sleeps here that's it) it makes you look normal with all these new neighbors you got. Course she's met them all she's very social. Balances things out since I'm an anti social fuck lmao


Well-Known Member
My chick was just saying the other day it's a good thing you have me here (she don't live here just usually sleeps here that's it) it makes you look normal with all these new neighbors you got. Course she's met them all she's very social. Balances things out since I'm an anti social fuck lmao
Lol, i use my lady for her looks quite often. She's easy on the eyes and although not as good of a talker as i am. People believe anything she says before they even hear me. Lol, even on the phone.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Normal is over rated lol ... ill never be the norm! Im antisocial for a reason ... its funny man... growing up i was a social butterfly , had tonnes of "friends" then you get older and realize there not yur friends , sad fact is most of my good freinds are dead now...funny how things change with time.


Well-Known Member
Normal is over rated lol ... ill never be the norm! Im antisocial for a reason ... its funny man... growing up i was a social butterfly , had tonnes of "friends" then you get older and realize there not yur friends , sad fact is most of my good freinds are dead now...funny how things change with time.
Wow, Im becoming you. im only 25 and i was the popular kid, Gang OG and all that social stuff like parties and clubs growing up. Now its me my girl and my dogs. Homies either dead or in jail, or i cut em off because they were kinda pointless, i have 2 real friends and have become somewhat of a hermit. i have been growing since i was 19 and when i started i used to throw parties and invite people over showing off my plants .. i have changed, i believe for the better . but i do miss the old days at times. oh well.


Well-Known Member
Normal is over rated lol ... ill never be the norm! Im antisocial for a reason ... its funny man... growing up i was a social butterfly , had tonnes of "friends" then you get older and realize there not yur friends , sad fact is most of my good freinds are dead now...funny how things change with time.
Nice legs btw!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Wow, Im becoming you. im only 25 and i was the popular kid, Gang OG and all that social stuff like parties and clubs growing up. Now its me my girl and my dogs. Homies either dead or in jail, or i cut em off because they were kinda pointless, i have 2 real friends and have become somewhat of a hermit. i have been growing since i was 19 and when i started i used to throw parties and invite people over showing off my plants .. i have changed, i believe for the better . but i do miss the old days at times. oh well.
Sounds simaler to me , i got 15 yrs on you so i got totaly what your sayin. I used to raise hell with soem crazy motherfuckers , made alota enemies and got into alota trouble.... but i guess it gets old after cuz there aint no stability in that lifestyle. Now we became those guys we used to laff at LOL but im kewl with that.

If i could rewind my life id do the same things.... i learned alot that way and i got no regrets

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Going to be dropping some of the yet to be named new beans soon. I know you just started a couple of new ones, I need to get these to you shoot me your addy, I don't have your email addy anymore. I'm liking the potency and euphoric motivational high from this GA, looking forward to the cross. The mum is a gem herself!