So its getting close to harvest time which will be nice since I'm out of weed as usual at this time. I keep barely enough for myself the rest of it goes real quick. I would like to keep more but I am a member of the.." my exwife had a better laywer than I " club. A couple of the girls are headstash for myself, a Void that I call purple 10, the calyxs get real fat on this indie cutie and she is frosty as fook! And a sativa Qleaner cut that if I kept it it must be nice!! Lemony and potent. I cut a branch of the sativa off last week and I'm smoking some now...first time smoking this cut again in four or five months and man is she nice! Trimmed the rest of that Qleaner last night so I should be golden.
Thinking about doing a 50 clone single cola sog along side of Reggaericans 49 clone grow. It would be at least a couple of weeks before room opened up for it and Reggae is already a week into his single cola grow, but we'll see, I am kinda leaning towards it. Would have been better if we started at the same time but oh well, that's ok.
Thinking I will be getting rained out tomorrow so I'll try and get some pics up. Later