Big Bang Theory is on the tube, I'm potting up a bunch of dogs and bsb into 1 gal bags...going to throw 15 of them in the closet in a week or so. Waiting on 10 Caliband and 7 Caseyband to finish up there. Also waiting for some dog to dry, maybe by this weekend!those youngins' look great HC!!!!! thanks for tips on the AE... i stripped a bunch of leaves from her to get a head start!!!! she is already stating to push out little buds..... I love that kind of speedy growth!!!!!
any word from the doc yet man?
ya watchin weed wars tonight? I hope they show more about the dad giving his kid cbd drops to stop the seizures.... cool shit right there!!! I also gotta watch big shrimpin tonight!!!! that stupid show has me hooked!!!! hahahaha
Still waiting Voidling but I suppose a call to them is going to be in the works today.I was watching that too, unfortunately didn't have anything to do with the garden.
Did you give the dr a call or you still just waiting?
Sounds like a hell of a joint westy lol! I'm pretty low on dry weed, prolly enough for today but some doggie dog is what I'll be toking on tonight or tomorrow. Good meds prolly the best I have. Maybe that's why I have a shitload of them in various stages of flower and veg hehe.Normally with test results the less you hear the more routine the results, they wouldn't keep ya waiting if it was life threatening>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rom/livers/cheese/bubble hash all mixed up together for a headbanging
Old school huh?? I guess my vote would be for the Sweet Skunk. Dunna know squat about Hazes lolHey Westy, hows it hangin?
Calling All Assholes !!!!!!!
Im stuck ..i need assistance lol
I got the Kushberry , Skunk x PK and BSB in veg right now....those are gettin flipped soon. I gotta fill the space but i wanna do something crazy and old skewl. Choices sofar off th etop of my head are
Nevilles Haze
Sweet Skunk
Mango haze
i got more but id have to look thru em all , these are what comes to mind
Haha oh I had already defoiliated the shit out of them yesterday! The rosepots are 1.7 gal. She has a fair amount of frost but not really dripping with like the other phenotype. That one was a lower yielding with fluffier and frostier buds and was a better representation of the Ice mother although this one smell just like the mother!woooooo HC!!!! she's a stout bitch!!!! she sure does have lots of leaves.... good thing there thin ones though!!!!! that's in one of those rosepots right? how big are they again? 1.3??
Diz--- I gotta go with the others on the skunk... doesn't get much more old skewl than that!!! the others are kinda old... but not old school!!!!! hahaha
He has hasn't he! He is the most loyal cat I have ever seen and the most affectionate too. Keeper for sure he's my little buddy!Your kity has got big lol hes a nice size now
Hey thanks cinders! The yeild off of that wasn't to shabby neither, couple of bigger ones come down tomorrow. I really haven't smoked this pheno yet but looking forward to seeing what the high is like. It should have a lot of taste if the smell is any indication! Good luck with them matey!That ice x c.b is looking fine man! Cant wait to get mine going. Just finnishing off last run then they'r going inYou'll be first to see Highlander!