Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Oh my, what did I happen upon here?!

Happy Sunday HC/everyone. . . gonna get back to my snip snip snip :)


ps sampled some of the cheese a couple hours ago and suffice to say I'm quite ripped still lol <<<<music on, scissors clean, 'nother cheesey joint :joint: :joint:
Hey bro, sounds like a nice weekend thing to do. Glad to hear that the cheese is to your liking! It's only going to get better ; !) Did ya come close to what I guessed lol. My daughter just left, we had a nice visit. Her and I are real close and I'm such a proud pops! My beautiful, hippie, bio-chem major sweetie pie!!

SAy, How Long Has this been going On...remember that one HC...By the Band ACE..LOL
Hey hey Hemlock, what's going on. Oh yeah bro, sure I do! I need to go crank some tunes...I can hear CCR playing in big flower room upstairs!!

Checked out your pictures, good looking bushes my friend, they look like they are going to hold some weight!

Enjoy your evening


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, sounds like a nice weekend thing to do. Glad to hear that the cheese is to your liking! It's only going to get better ; !) Did ya come close to what I guessed lol. My daughter just left, we had a nice visit. Her and I are real close and I'm such a proud pops! My beautiful, hippie, bio-chem major sweetie pie!!

Hey hey Hemlock, what's going on. Oh yeah bro, sure I do! I need to go crank some tunes...I can hear CCR playing in big flower room upstairs!!

Checked out your pictures, good looking bushes my friend, they look like they are going to hold some weight!

Enjoy your evening
Thanks HC I be tryin!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey hey bru! Not sure on the final weight, still. Hasn't all been trimmed yet, but there's a good amount. Even my wife was like, "Whoa, Mr. Bobo, you have a lot of weed, honey." To which I replied ":)"

Sounds like you've got yourself some great offspring, HC. Anybody who's got an interest in the biochem world. . . we'll need them in the future to fight our wretched government lol. . . Have a good one my friend. I'm off to be productive today... most of which will be going down inside since it's raining. I like this :) I'll swing by later this eve. . . :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the 2 cents Don. How many did you grow out? From seed or clone? So if I have the choice between Island Sweet Skunk or Qrazy Train I should go ISS?

Ha yea HC I saw you threw Cindys name at the end of the response. Pfffff stoner

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey hey bru! Not sure on the final weight, still. Hasn't all been trimmed yet, but there's a good amount. Even my wife was like, "Whoa, Mr. Bobo, you have a lot of weed, honey." To which I replied ":)"

Sounds like you've got yourself some great offspring, HC. Anybody who's got an interest in the biochem world. . . we'll need them in the future to fight our wretched government lol. . . Have a good one my friend. I'm off to be productive today... most of which will be going down inside since it's raining. I like this :) I'll swing by later this eve. . . :peace:
Still trying to figure out what you do Mr Bobo, you don't give out many clues haha. Yeah my son is a keeper too, he's sixteen and been recording with his band/s for a couple of years and even opened for a big act last fall! My daughter wants to join the peace corp for a couple of years. Except, I don't see her boyfriend doing that. She was in Africa last year, Morrocco, and then Barcelona for their big celebration night.

Catch ya later :)

yop hc whats a cracking?
Hey there westy...trying out some indica Qleaner that I took down a few days ago. Man I love switching up strains lol. So when you said you were going to pop your Qleaner seeds by X-mas, you meant this x-mas coming up ; ?)

ISS all the way c love, i have heard good things, not had the pleasure though.
Myself as well CLove. Haven't tried it either, but I watched DC Beard grow his out last year and he gave it a couple of thumbs up

Getting into a good place...couple of bong rips of something different ; !)


Well-Known Member
I love ISS too! A dude called donkey420 grew the shit out of it in a couple 25 site aeros, it was impressive. Ive smoked the ISS from this dispensary too and its great, so I can only assume the clone from them would be a cut of it. That QT just looked dank, but I guess 3 is enough of his gear for right now.

Thanks for the input all.

GHB I'm putting C+ shots of my veg clone up in he C+ thread right now!


Well-Known Member
Suuuuuuup Highlander, No duobt that you got that cave banging brother! Hope you'r kicking back and taking it in ( via da bong ).


mr west

Well-Known Member
Oh mate lol. I forget sometiomes ppl actualy listen to what i say and remember lol. The qleaners have sat in my draw along with other srtrains ive bought and never planted lol. What with the baby and moving and stuff i cant see me doing anything adventurous untilll im back up and running in the new gaff lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the 2 cents Don. How many did you grow out? From seed or clone? So if I have the choice between Island Sweet Skunk or Qrazy Train I should go ISS?
Ha yea HC I saw you threw Cindys name at the end of the response. Pfffff stoner
just 2 one purple one green with a tinge, both nice smoke but nothing great in the taste department, better after the cure. why not get both?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Haha yeah there's nothing wrong with my long term memory, my short term memory lol...forget about it hehe. Being comfortably numb, kinda does that to ya. I hear ya though...space is a premium. Question, so what is Deep Blue? I'm assuming tga's Deep Purple and ?? BB?. I have some "tall" seeds, some " short" and some DB X DB

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Took down an Ice plant this morning. Few days ago I took a limb off that looked done and about to try it out in a few. Haven't had any of my Ice since last fall lol. Oh and I found my battery charger for my camera! Watch out!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hi buddy, thanks. Unfortunately the cal/mag issues that I have had from the start with that cut, are taking it's toll. The Ice is looking quite sad. I have one that is at a month in, that has been spluffed by the Casey....hope to keep some of it's genetics without gro problems


Well-Known Member
That be some sweeeeeeeeeeet looking casey Highlander. Mine's still only a few week's flower, and not much to show yet but Deff. Dank Schwag. My Dod i have to Say is just stunning with some crazy trim never mind the bud bro. :)
Nedd to get them out for to get some decent Picture's man, just that the cab. is so packed i dont want to disturb nothing, or it will be a full shift getting it back together! Shit i got ' Leaning towers ' ;)