
Well-Known Member
An excellent perspective & one that is very true,ive heard the same accusations about every last seed bank.
i am still confused ,as to why all this stuff is on here ,to stoned ,but insread of putting me off ,i think i will go and order right now before this weed wears off:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
i received me seeds today with a new found respect for all of you who have no other options but to order online. high grade came thru 110%, the process i had to go thru sucked though. just the time it takes for the mail to go thru can worry anyone. on one hand people want stealth which means as little trail as possible. on the other they want to know where there order is. i started to wonder/worry about 4 days ago. not really worried but i was going back and checked dates and counting days. i wasn't going to start sending emails though. i had a good feeling today would be the day. and it was. i received everything i ordered plus a little kicker. :)


Active Member
i sent him an email that said "payment was sent". he replied with a "i'll keep my eye out" and a smiley face. :)

May I ask how you sent it? I went to UPS, FedEx & USPS today but every method of sending from US to Canada which allowed tracking required a signature on the receiving end. I looked at so many banks before settling on HGS that I may be mistaken, but I thought I saw something that said they won't sign??

I'm trying to check the website now, but it's not coming up for me. Hopefully it's just a temporary glitch. When it comes back I can verify the signature thing and get my payment on it's way!


Well-Known Member
May I ask how you sent it? I went to UPS, FedEx & USPS today but every method of sending from US to Canada which allowed tracking required a signature on the receiving end. I looked at so many banks before settling on HGS that I may be mistaken, but I thought I saw something that said they won't sign??

I'm trying to check the website now, but it's not coming up for me. Hopefully it's just a temporary glitch. When it comes back I can verify the signature thing and get my payment on it's way!
i sent it USPS. i think express. it came with a tracking number but no sig required. it was expensive.


Active Member
i sent it USPS. i think express. it came with a tracking number but no sig required. it was expensive.

Ya, the USPS Express option I tried did have a little box to indicate no signature required (domestic only) but the guy at the counter said he wasn't sure if Canada would honor it. I guess I will go ahead and send it and check that box. If it gets there and he doesn't sign for it, the worst that will happen is it will come back to me.



Well-Known Member
way to go fdd.I'm glad you recieved your beans or I would have been embarrsassed.hehe.I thought they had black pearl and early queen or is black queen short for...Hard on the head isn't it playing that waiting game.You should be able to do them honor and I don't think there kidding when they talk about the potency.There Vintage mix I have are interesting and one I grew was a loverly smoke sweet and tasty,never mind the high good good good. Showgirl

Star Gazer

Active Member
I got my purple cindy & black pearl seeds from HGS within a week of ordering. Paid for 10 and got 13. Everything I needed to know was clearly stated in the website, and the forum has even more info.
And no, I do not work for HGS.

Great strains, great information, great prices. I'd be pissed off too if people asked stupid questions like you did. It IS a legit business, give the guy a break!


Well-Known Member
Wow....honestly it just seems like a misunderstanding and bad communication.

That was pretty harsh of a response that the guy gave you and I can see that would hurt your feelings but the guy who answered probably has a lot going on that was really pissing him off at the time. If those really are ALL the e-mails sent back and forth then I would say you handled yourself pretty well. Yeah I wish they did use other carriers but it is more cost efficient not to. Also Fedex is owned by USPS so it's basically the same thing. UPS and DHL are independent of USPS and USPS is operated by the government no matter what they say - that is why they are able to go through packages, etc.

Anyways maybe you should try again since it has been a while and you guys have cooled off. Just tell the guy no hard feelings it was a bad time for you and probably for them and see if you can get it worked out. Suggest that if you want to use a different carrier to pay for that if they are down with that - if they can send you a special invoice for the carrier of your choice. That seems like that is what you really wanted to know so just try again! It also seems like they have the strain that you want and feel comfortable with. So try again!


Active Member
godamn PANHEAD you are the fuckin man! i had to post my reply after reading yours ripping the shit out of hotboy. i started thinking the same thing reading it from the begining but this is an older thread so im reading thru, reading, reading till when you flamed the shit out of him for it and had to laugh/post back. so fuckin hilarious. right on man.


Active Member
Ya, the USPS Express option I tried did have a little box to indicate no signature required (domestic only) but the guy at the counter said he wasn't sure if Canada would honor it. I guess I will go ahead and send it and check that box. If it gets there and he doesn't sign for it, the worst that will happen is it will come back to me.


Just some follow up on my experience. I'm on west coast, HGS is east coast I believe. I sent the $$ on 7/16. HGS sent email confirming receipt of payment on 7/21 and shipped the next day. I received on 8/6. As everyone has noted, I got my order plus some freebies. I did get a bit antsy since the shipping took a little longer on the way back, but I posted on their forums and folks reassured me. I would totally recommend HGS to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Why is it in the "e-mails" he posts, the time/date format and the who its "to" is different? You would think that all the formats would be the same as they are being viewed from the same account. That seems a bit odd to me.


Active Member
I received emails from multiple addresses. It seemed there was a different one for general questions and order info. Not sure what email postings you're referring to. You have to "have faith" with something like this. My experience was great.


Well-Known Member
I was just saying that the format, like the way the time is written the date is written etc, is different on each of the emails. It seems to me that the info was altered and these were not the actual communications that were had between these two people. You would think all of the emails, since they are being viewed from the same account, should have the same format for all the time, date, etc.


Active Member
I've ordered from Highgrade maybe a year ago, grew the seeds to harvest, and read through their message board. From my experience and from the (lots) of threads I've read this is what you can expect:


1. You will get your seeds.

Stealth, prompt, friendly service. They will send a second set of seeds if you say you didn't receive the first. They ship to the US. I got my seeds within a week of their receipt of my payment through Track and Trace mail.


2. You may wish you didn't get your seeds.

Apparently Highgrade jobbed out some seed production when their customer base started growing and one(?) of the breeders wasn't up to the task. I dropped by the forum a while ago and one of the people associated with the seed bank actually admitted in the forum that they'd been sending out bad seeds for some strains for a while (perhaps a year of more - how could they not know?). They claim they're fixed the problems and the bad seeds are out of circulation.

Unstable pheno's, too tall plants, hermies, plants not finishing (my problem), poor potency ...

One person (a woman I think) complained about her ... AK(?) stretching an extra foot or two in flower. Really bothered her because she had limited growing height.

Several people are discussing hermies, some have started threads on topics like - "Will pollenating one bud keep the rest of the plant from hermieing". There are probably more cases, but if people are like me they think they've done something wrong with the grow and don't say anything. Same reason a person might die when they're lost in the woods - embarresment.

My AK lived 22 weeks with clear trichs under 1000W HPS Horticulture. It never finished and I got a few bananas - possibly because the plant took so long to finish and the plant was trying to pollenate itself.


3. You may have found a fantastic seed bank with great selection at great prices.

Some of the members who signed up years ago, some commercial growers too apparently, say that Highrades genetics - that he breeds himself - are some of the best that they've had anywhere. Wide selection, a couple dozen strains, fantastic prices.

If Higrade either finds new breeders to help him produce good seeds again - to satisfy what must be a growing demand - or he shrinks his business to a size that he can handle all the seed production, and raises his prices, their seeds might get back to the quality that the long time forum members talk about.

4. They do not delete messages, on their forum, that point out problems with their business practices or seeds.

This is the most heartening thing for me when I see the growing pains that Highgrade has been going through - you can browse back years in their forum and every bad post is still there. I've read some and thought "there's no way that post is going to stay up", and I drop by a couple of weeks later and I read posts and think "Wow! That's the post I was sure they were going to delete".

It seems like they're working to fix their problems rather than cover them up.

Final Word:

I'm going to keep an eye on their forum and when/if the complaints stop and people start raving about the highs again I'm going to order a custom strain called "Electric Fruit Punch" which seems to have a very interesting high - they have a Smoke forum where the forum members talk about the highs that the strains give - great idea for a seedbank.

I'd recomend looking through their forum and seed list, if things look good try a strain that catches your eye.


Here's a link to their site, the site is down right now:
