Can't remember if I've hit 2+ with straight sour d because I really have not grown it that much. I have pulled those numbers with a supersourD though. And of course I have with bluedream. But everyone grows bluedream, so I stopped growing the BD indoor around 6 yrs ago because of that. i was still growing it outdoor though up until a couple years ago
No way on the 5 P's dude.
Your missing space per plant in your thought process. Give a plant more space it will yield more. Give that same plant less space, it will yield less, all else being the same. Know what i'm sayin?
Nowadays though, I've converted most of my setups over to DE's ran at 1150w's. Holy shit, does it change GPW(no matter how you figure it). Here's why:
I've always lit up a 4x4 tray with a traditional 1000w. Still do, and lately for example I dam near hit 2lb's(getting better every crop)with the GG#4 using a traditional 1000w hps.
I light up 3-4x4's with only two DE's, or 1 light over a 4'x6' area. Each one of the 4x4's is pulling 2lb's(more on this last crop I pulled), but I'm only using 766 watts per 4x4.

Fucking bad ass