highest known THC content?

Here's the results from a testing lab in Mich:


"Michigan Kush" scored 35%.....absolutely nuts. If you read about how they test vs. others, it seems they are more accurate than other testing.
Possibly, although it looks like they are using primarily Gas Chromatography as opposed to Liquid Chromatography which is actually more accurate. This is why all their tests have a majority of Delta 9 THC as opposed to THC-A, because it is converted during the flame heating part of Gas Chromatography, whereas Liquid Chromatography results are much heavier in THC-A and return a more accurate breakdown of the cannabinoid profile of the sample because the plant matter is not subjected to heat during testing.
Thank you Ace for setting the record straight....I know nothing about the different types of testing.
While high THC is desirable, it's not everything. I have strains that are supposed to be 25%+ THC (Ghost Train Haze #1) that is great weed, but I prefer the buzz from C99 or Pineapple Express better.
I think Kyle kushman strawberry broke record in 2013 around 24-25% but I think that was beaten this year by a Bruce banner pheno in Colorado have look it up
They found a lot of errors in RING tests anyways idk how accurate they are I know the test used at the cups haven't shown anything higher than like 27% but I think UPLC testing is more accurate idk which one they use for the cup testing.
Also depends on what plant material you're testing. I take any published results from sellers as what they are - another cannabis industry gimmick to sell product/seeds.

Riddle has bought one of these kits and reported results at his site on stuff he's growing - http://www.thctestkits.com/

Pretty interesting and some great dialogue.

Uncle Ben def. right about lab testing def is a gimmick to create high dollar phenos and premium priced pot. I don't believe In half the results they say these strains yield.
There's usually something like 10-20% variance between strains tested in different labs using same tests meaning if a strain tests at 20% other labs would produce 17-23% meaning there's a lot of problems and error in exact amounts. I think average is 12% for most strains anything higher than 18% is considered high content thc.
I recently, about 3 weeks ago, had some "Goji Og" that was tested at 31%. The dispesary I go to in Riverside County called "The Lab" tests every strain they get their hands on, in house. It was the spaciest and heaviest bud I've ever smoked. I also have some "Ringo's Gift" which tested at 18% CBD .03% THC. Haven't tried it yet. I don't know where the genetics come from. They always have strains that are 22% THC and higher... All super bomb. SoCal has some prett amazing weed.
There's usually something like 10-20% variance between strains tested in different labs using same tests meaning if a strain tests at 20% other labs would produce 17-23% meaning there's a lot of problems and error in exact amounts. I think average is 12% for most strains anything higher than 18% is considered high content thc.

you're probably right about different labs getting significantly different results, I'm sure the thc content varies from leaf to leaf and nug to nug. I'm not sure, however, where you're getting the numbers, normally the bud we get at dispenceries here is labled over 20% thc I can't remember getting any below 20% all year, that being said if you're lookin for high CBD kind its a different story.
Butsack, PK is back east and has a different perspective. Or he's hanging with the worst growers. 20% and up is what we grow. I've sent the same material to different labs and got very similar results. We took 4 nugs about 1.5 grams each. Ground it and mixed together and then split it and sent it. 1-3% variation in labs around the bay and sacramento. I prefer to test a combination of buds from different levels in the canopy. That's why I grind and mix. Not trying to compare dicks, well a little, but like to know the THC, thca, CBD,cbg,cbn, thcva and so on. If you learn what they all do and how they interact. Then truly know what your smoking, and you can pick what works for you off a test printout. Me, I like some cbg and cbn. Those help the couch lock. A few years back the labs were way off. The ones that showed higher readings had more business. Just like the dyno shop that is miscalibrated and shows higher horsepower then you really have. They have more business. People love to stroke their own egos.. But the labs that are still around have got it together. But they are only as good as the people that run them. I like to mix a high CBD strain and high THC strain in my bowl. Many times mixing two or more weeds will give you a better high then any one of them would..
It looks like they got one sample that tested 40+% but the way the study is worded, and the fact it was conducted on samples procured by police seizure, doesn't preclude the possibility that hash or wax/oil coated buds (Moon rocks, etc.) were included in the testing. Also, I always have trouble trusting articles that include phrases like "The use of such high levels of THC can force users to suffer serious adverse events. These events include seizures, dependence, and even anxiety. In fact, the use of marijuana with such high THC levels ends up undoing the drug's "therapeutic" effects.... Experts, according to The Sydney Morning Herald, feel that more than 15 percent of THC should be considered an illicit substance as the adverse effects can be likened to the negative effects of controlled and illegal drugs like cocaine." This is the kind of stuff that just screams of anti-legalization propaganda BS. Plus, this little sentence made me sad... "The results, published in the international science journal PLOS ONE, showed over 90 percent of samples contained less than 0.1 percent CBD."
Butsack, PK is back east and has a different perspective. Or he's hanging with the worst growers. 20% and up is what we grow. I've sent the same material to different labs and got very similar results. We took 4 nugs about 1.5 grams each. Ground it and mixed together and then split it and sent it. 1-3% variation in labs around the bay and sacramento. I prefer to test a combination of buds from different levels in the canopy. That's why I grind and mix. Not trying to compare dicks, well a little, but like to know the THC, thca, CBD,cbg,cbn, thcva and so on. If you learn what they all do and how they interact. Then truly know what your smoking, and you can pick what works for you off a test printout. Me, I like some cbg and cbn. Those help the couch lock. A few years back the labs were way off. The ones that showed higher readings had more business. Just like the dyno shop that is miscalibrated and shows higher horsepower then you really have. They have more business. People love to stroke their own egos.. But the labs that are still around have got it together. But they are only as good as the people that run them. I like to mix a high CBD strain and high THC strain in my bowl. Many times mixing two or more weeds will give you a better high then any one of them would..
Finding the perfect combination of weeds to mix is like blending a perfect scotch
Butsack, PK is back east and has a different perspective. Or he's hanging with the worst growers. 20% and up is what we grow. I've sent the same material to different labs and got very similar results. We took 4 nugs about 1.5 grams each. Ground it and mixed together and then split it and sent it. 1-3% variation in labs around the bay and sacramento. I prefer to test a combination of buds from different levels in the canopy. That's why I grind and mix. Not trying to compare dicks, well a little, but like to know the THC, thca, CBD,cbg,cbn, thcva and so on. If you learn what they all do and how they interact. Then truly know what your smoking, and you can pick what works for you off a test printout. Me, I like some cbg and cbn. Those help the couch lock. A few years back the labs were way off. The ones that showed higher readings had more business. Just like the dyno shop that is miscalibrated and shows higher horsepower then you really have. They have more business. People love to stroke their own egos.. But the labs that are still around have got it together. But they are only as good as the people that run them. I like to mix a high CBD strain and high THC strain in my bowl. Many times mixing two or more weeds will give you a better high then any one of them would..

I said and I will repeat because apparently no one knows how to read an entire post for its content. The average marijuana in America has 10% thc.. Premium cannabis is considered to be anything over 18%. Therefore if you have anything over 18% then it's on the higher end in comparison with ALL cannabis being sold in America. Not just where you live DUH!! Obviously at dispensaries they carry what they "think" is the best or what's "hot and trendy" in market, like Girl Scout cookies right now for example.

But do you honestly think that every strain they list at 20+% thc is accurate or just a marketing point? I choose the latter I guarantee u take those pieces and get it tested very few will give you those results they say.

The THC content is the # of percentage of thc that strain is capable of producing, I don't believe it's the exact sample you are buying and smoking because every piece in every bag and jar is different. So what you are getting is a ball park based on what that strain is able to produce.
I said and I will repeat because apparently no one knows how to read an entire post for its content. The average marijuana in America has 10% thc.. Premium cannabis is considered to be anything over 18%. Therefore if you have anything over 18% then it's on the higher end in comparison with ALL cannabis being sold in America. Not just where you live DUH!! Obviously at dispensaries they carry what they "think" is the best or what's "hot and trendy" in market, like Girl Scout cookies right now for example.

But do you honestly think that every strain they list at 20+% thc is accurate or just a marketing point? I choose the latter I guarantee u take those pieces and get it tested very few will give you those results they say.

The THC content is the # of percentage of thc that strain is capable of producing, I don't believe it's the exact sample you are buying and smoking because every piece in every bag and jar is different. So what you are getting is a ball park based on what that strain is able to produce.
Growers pick and trim the nug to test. And the majority of the lower ones are 10-30% lower. So no I don't think what they sell to us at club is that high.. That's why I test most of what I grow... Not for bragging rights, but so I know.
I said and I will repeat because apparently no one knows how to read an entire post for its content. The average marijuana in America has 10% thc.. Premium cannabis is considered to be anything over 18%. Therefore if you have anything over 18% then it's on the higher end in comparison with ALL cannabis being sold in America. Not just where you live DUH!! Obviously at dispensaries they carry what they "think" is the best or what's "hot and trendy" in market, like Girl Scout cookies right now for example.

But do you honestly think that every strain they list at 20+% thc is accurate or just a marketing point? I choose the latter I guarantee u take those pieces and get it tested very few will give you those results they say.

The THC content is the # of percentage of thc that strain is capable of producing, I don't believe it's the exact sample you are buying and smoking because every piece in every bag and jar is different. So what you are getting is a ball park based on what that strain is able to produce.
The point you just made goes against what you are saying. You are right, 10% is the average for america AS A WHOLE, that includes areas with limited access to quality green that has an even lower average, and areas that are flush with high quality cannabis where the average is much much higher. I have friends in South Carolina that will attest to the fact that the quality of herb available there is DRAMATICALLY worse than the weed available on the west coast, or even in bigger east coast states like NY and FL, and that same dramatically shittier weed is being included in the total. Until you can find % that are done state by state, America's as a whole average potency means literally nothing. Also, I think testing may be done differently where you are, here testing is never done by the dispensaries themselves, they are done at impartial labs that list the results online even if you choose to withhold the results in store because they were sub par. Is there a guarantee that every nug will have the same cannabinoid content as the tested sample? Of course not. But do the numbers come from actual tests that are check-able even to the point of having photographs taken by the lab of the sample prior to testing? Absolutely. You might not be getting the nug that tested above 30%, but there indeed was a nug, from that batch, that tested that high, and you can even see exactly what it looked like, and you can usually tell when they are just cherry picking the very best nugs.