Higher Female Ratio (Again..)


Well-Known Member
All is not lost thou .... I did teach the lads about photosynthisis and i learnt how to spell it lmao ........... cheers 4 the rep hows the buds*bugs lmao ... Alll love

Edit : Ohh its Neg. rep . Youse bitchs lmao

Evil Mom From Hell

Active Member
"at first i was taking this article seriously, but there were just too many things that sounded like bullshit. and i'm tired of hearing about birth control pills affecting the gender of weed. it is a hormone produced by humans. how could it have any effect on plants? im surprised everybody is arguing about light stress and leaving that one alone. maybe it was just too obvious to comment on."

Let me start by saying I know little to nothing about growing weed (other plants...yeah...but new to this) The estrogen from plants is used in estrogen replacement therapy for women (much better than female horse urine IMHO!) so I suspect bc pills may use plant or synthesized estrogen so I guess there could be some influence of estrogen solutions at least based on that....but I do have a hard time imagining doing so could influence the sex of a seed. I wonder though (damn this growing thing makes my brain hurt!!!) if using an estrogen solution say during the 3 pair stage could influence the sex? Hmmmm....Maybe I'll try that with all my hermies and see what happens! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!:twisted:


Well-Known Member
"Another idea is to interrupt the night cycle with about one hour of light. This gives you more females."

wouldnt this risk light poisoning dude doesnt seem to accurate to me
"It is neither plant nor tree nor weed... learn it."
it is a flowering herb in the family Cannabaceae related to hackberries and hops. Dioecious with an annual senescence cycle Cannabis may not be a "weed", as this implies a mostly subjective designation, but is most definately a herbacious plant...

"at first i was taking this article seriously, but there were just too many things that sounded like bullshit. and i'm tired of hearing about birth control pills affecting the gender of weed. it is a hormone produced by humans. how could it have any effect on plants? im surprised everybody is arguing about light stress and leaving that one alone. maybe it was just too obvious to comment on."

I couldn't agree more; this appears, to me, to be an infantile misunderstanding of estrogens role in the human sexual physiology. Though estrogen (or, more precisely, phytoestrogens) is found in plants such as soy, it functions as an anti-microbial (namely anti-fungal) agent which would be unrelated to sexual differentiation.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
For you potential breeders out there, you should not follow these rules as any (would-be)males that change to female because of enviromental condition may have the hermaphroditic gene and should not be used with breeding, for my non-breeding tomatoe plant moms tho i folow those rules to a "T".
Do you think Dutch Passion is listening to this advice?

feminized seeds are created by female clones that have been forced to produce male flowers, not random hermied plants.

If you're getting hermies it's most likely not the seeds, or the genes

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Who's the idiot who said cannabis is not classified?

Cannabis (Cán-na-bis) is a genus of flowering plants that includes three putative species, Cannabis sativa L.,[1] Cannabis indica Lam.,[1] and Cannabis ruderalis Janisch.
Last time I checked: Sativa and indica have not been classified as separate species. It's still not known whether it's a separate species or a sub-species. As if it matters

Sub-species right?

Chicken came first? :wall:


Well-Known Member
I know there have been a few topics on how to achieve a higher female percentage, but here is an article that had a few more conditions added to it. Check it out courtesy of cannabis-seed-banks.com

From literature it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. For growers who are well experienced, percentage of female plants is 60% - 90% female, but less experienced growers can end up with 100% male plants. The environmental factors that, according to literature, influence gender are:

- a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- a higher potassium concentration will give more males (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- a higher humidity will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- a lower temperature will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- more blue light will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- Fewer hours of light will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).
- In later stage, as you increase the light, the plants grow faster and show more females/less males. Sixteen hours of light per day seems to be the best combination, beyond this makes little or no appreciable difference in the plant quality.
- Another idea is to interrupt the night cycle with about one hour of light. This gives you more females.
- Spray dilute Fish Emulsion ( 1 tablespoon per gallon ). When the plants have three sets of true leaves, plus the top sprout, give them a wetting spray of Fish Emulsion. Do it once a day for three of four days. Top and bottom of the leaves.
- To achieve 100% female plants is to expose young seedlings for several hours to an atmosphere of Carbon Monoxide. It doesn't hurt the plants, but it could kill you.
- Treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.
- When hempseed is treated with the female hormone estrogen, percentage of females that are produced will increase by about 10%. Dissolve a birth control pill in water and soak the seeds overnight in the solution. After the initial soaking, continue to treat the seeds by sprouting them on a paper towel soaked in the solution.

Very very very... very... nicely put man. I'll have to cut and paste this information.. and paste it into MS Office and save it as another useful paper. Nicely done my friend.. excellent job.


Well-Known Member
so how reliable is this info? and, i am SURE these things can cause plants to go hermie, maybe a better idea would be to just try to get your males to go hermie, after sexing them (covering one branch) and letting the famales thrive naturally. i mean, it's at least worth a shot, i'm going to use this method, so I'll get back to you.


Well-Known Member
has anyone tried any of this stuff? im not buying most of it. the things where they say you can affect the sex in later stages seems really far-fetched. just sprout twice as many seeds as you need, sex them, cut down the males, clone the females, and dont worry about growing from seeds any more. (or buy feminized seeds) if anyone has tried any of these things and had good results i think everybody would still like to hear about it.


Also, less experienced growers can end up with 100% males. wtf are you talking about? Was that even in the article?

Experienced growers on this site have had nearly these kind of results. It's about genetics.

Also what's the part about a seeds predisposition? This means that the seed is predisposed to be a certain sex... which means that in all likelyhood, despite whatever environmental factors/changes you introduce the plant will turn out the sex it was meant to be.

To my mind, by fucking around like this you are merely increasing your chances of getting hermies.
It's not only about genetics. Plants don't immediately develop gender, right out of the seed. :neutral: Just like human babies, they don't start with a sex and develop one over time; however, they do grow into their first gender, eventually.

You can't really talk about genetics if you don't know what seed predisposition is. But anyway, seed predisposition doesn't mean that changing environmental factors won't cause plants to turn out female. :roll: If a seed is predisposed to be female, it's still easy to come out with a male. People just don't often try to make plants male--unless they are breeding with FOG--or mess up badly enough to do so.

All plants are "hermies". kiss-ass They live in a cycle, going from male, to female, to male, to female, with stages in between. If you want females, exposing seedlings to CO for a long period of time works. Later, they may change to male if they are exposed to other male plants, or if some other environmental factor causes them to change--another example, shock.


It's not only about genetics. Plants don't immediately develop gender, right out of the seed. :neutral: Just like human babies, they don't start with a sex and develop one over time; however, they do grow into their first gender, eventually.

You can't really talk about genetics if you don't know what seed predisposition is. But anyway, seed predisposition doesn't mean that changing environmental factors won't cause plants to turn out female. :roll: If a seed is predisposed to be female, it's still easy to come out with a male. People just don't often try to make plants male--unless they are breeding with FOG--or mess up badly enough to do so.

All plants are "hermies". kiss-ass They live in a cycle, going from male, to female, to male, to female, with stages in between. If you want females, exposing seedlings to CO for a long period of time works. Later, they may change to male if they are exposed to other male plants, or if some other environmental factor causes them to change--another example, shock.

Um...I'm not sure if I agree with you...I am a first time grower though so I could be wrong....

I would say that babies are definitely one gender or another...little swimmers have that genetic information with them and decidely have X or Y.

I'm sorry I didn't morph from a nongender entity. And I can guarantee I didn't go from being a male to a female back to a male again (that would take groundbreaking procedures that I wouldn't get).

So....deuced and flushed. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Cannabis has no classification.

It is neither plant nor tree nor weed... learn it.
Cannabis isn´t a plant?? Mine were last time I looked.

MJ belongs to the genus Cannabis - which is a member of the plant family Cannabaceae in the order Rosales.

It has the same degree of classification as any other plant.

It is just kids who have never grown anything else who think it is somehow different.


Active Member
It's not only about genetics. Plants don't immediately develop gender, right out of the seed. :neutral: Just like human babies, they don't start with a sex and develop one over time; however, they do grow into their first gender, eventually.

You can't really talk about genetics if you don't know what seed predisposition is. But anyway, seed predisposition doesn't mean that changing environmental factors won't cause plants to turn out female. :roll: If a seed is predisposed to be female, it's still easy to come out with a male. People just don't often try to make plants male--unless they are breeding with FOG--or mess up badly enough to do so.

All plants are "hermies". kiss-ass They live in a cycle, going from male, to female, to male, to female, with stages in between. If you want females, exposing seedlings to CO for a long period of time works. Later, they may change to male if they are exposed to other male plants, or if some other environmental factor causes them to change--another example, shock.
That's incorrect in regards to cannabis (and human babies by the way), they don't change their sex ever. Even if a female cannabis plant produces hermaphroditic growth. Female dioecious plants (and they are female due to a lack of Y chromosomes) like cannabis, can produce pollen but it is female pollen (for lack of a better term). It is different than male pollen (XY pollen). Only male dioecious plants can produce pollen capable of producing male offspring. And male dioecious plants, like cannabis, do not produce hermaphroditic growth.

A cannabis plant is either male or female. A seed from a cannabis plant is either male or female based upon the presence or absence of a Y chromosome that has to come from a male cannabis plant if there. There is no disambiguity to it unlike with some other plants. Cannabis sex determination is based upon genetic information from the parents just like with humans. The only difference is that female cannabis plants have an ability to produce female pollen in some circumstances.

Delve into the post-1930's in understanding plant genetics and sex determination:



Well-Known Member
Taowolf is right. Listen to the person. Everything else you heard is just myth or outright bs.