High-Times LMAO! The Movies. What's Good To Watch While High Or Getting There?

no offense to anyone on here, but these are the movies I already am tired of watching. I was really hoping to see some new stuff hahaha. Guess stoned minds think alike lol.

21 Jump Street
30 Minutes or Less
Dark Knight Rises
Any of the Pirates of the Caribbean
I just watched Savages last night, it's about growing/selling weed and the cartel. I really enjoyed it
BASKETBALL!!!! seriously watch everyone!
Inglorious BastardsLimitless
Any of the Sherlock Holmes
Hmm. Actually, I retract Pi - not a funny movie at all. Aria has some heavy shit, but some really great stuff. Rigoletto is perhaps the funniest - I posted the clip above.

His Girl Friday (1940) -- old school B&W classic - Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell
Into The Night (1985) -- is worth it for the cab chase scene alone!
Rock n Roll High School (1979) -- yeah, already mentioned it. It is worth mentioning again - the Ramones, man!!! :blsmoke:

p.s. If you watched the clip from Aria - Buck was talking about Aria on the phone. Fellini did not direct a piece, but Altman did. No Woody, either.
no offense to anyone on here, but these are the movies I already am tired of watching. I was really hoping to see some new stuff hahaha. Guess stoned minds think alike lol.

21 Jump Street
30 Minutes or Less
Dark Knight Rises
Any of the Pirates of the Caribbean
I just watched Savages last night, it's about growing/selling weed and the cartel. I really enjoyed it
BASKETBALL!!!! seriously watch everyone! <-You mean BASEketball? The psych out movie haha??
Inglorious BastardsLimitless
Any of the Sherlock Holmes

Inglorious Basters was nice and so was limitless.
Just watched Total Recall and didn't really like it...Seemed like the plot was all of the place..Def. not good for a high mind haha
And def. all of the Sherlock Holmes movies were the SHIZ :joint:
Hmm. Actually, I retract Pi - not a funny movie at all. Aria has some heavy shit, but some really great stuff. Rigoletto is perhaps the funniest - I posted the clip above.

His Girl Friday (1940) -- old school B&W classic - Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell
Into The Night (1985) -- is worth it for the cab chase scene alone!
Rock n Roll High School (1979) -- yeah, already mentioned it. It is worth mentioning again - the Ramones, man!!! :blsmoke:

p.s. If you watched the clip from Aria - Buck was talking about Aria on the phone. Fellini did not direct a piece, but Altman did. No Woody, either.

I was CONFUSED the whole time during the clip you posted above lol. Until literally the very end! Mind-fucked I was hahah! "<-Get Him To The Greek"!!!!!
Don't know how I forgot Jay And Silent Bob lol <-Fuck, Fuck, Mothermother fuck fuck noise smoise noise hahaha"

And Flight Of The Concords too which is another show sort, but still funny as hell!

And Super High Me <-Documentary of 30 days straight smokin'!
I was CONFUSED the whole time during the clip you posted above lol. Until literally the very end! Mind-fucked I was hahah! "<-Get Him To The Greek"!!!!!

You got that he was on a double dose of X, right? There are so many neat little scenes in the background too.
Any John Candy Movies (I miss Him) and Fear and Loathing (don't know if this was said) just depending on your mood.
Lol @ How High. I wonder if there are still smokers out there that haven't seen it.
ill vouch for all you listed except casino bcuz I haven't seen it. Nice post.

watched on flew over the cuckoos nest in a high school english class once and thought it was descent too
I want my cigarettes! and casino is a sweet gangster movie with DeNiro and Pesci. Its about mafia going out and starting a casino in Las Vegas.