High-Times LMAO! The Movies. What's Good To Watch While High Or Getting There?


New Member
So I thought I start a thread where ppl can come to look for a good movie/show to watch after/while they smoke.

I usually wind down at the end of the night with my girl, a spliff and a movie/show..
Last night we watched a movie called 420 Highway!

It was a stupid movie...But it was funny. Randomly funny like a lot of other stoner movies or shows.
Basically the movie was VERY STUPID....But RANDOMLY VERY FUN lol.

"Is there a Monkey talking?" hahahhaa <-When I heard this during the movie I literally CHOKED haha!
I'm black btw and not offended by racist bs. My life is straight haha. You don't like me? Your loss.

But also the TV shows Breaking Bad and Weeds
. My girl and I just finished them both and I would recommend either of those as good smoking material.

A few other to start this before I go:

-Grandmas Boy
-Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny(Too Funny!)
-How High
-Half Baked
-Get Him To The Greek(Too Funny!) <- "You ever been mind fucked" hahaha
-Pineapple Express
-Knocked Up
-The Hangover 1 & 2(Basically the same thing but both damn funny)

and yadayadayada...

Let's see where this thread goes!

Tonight I think I'm gonna check out Reefer Madness
Netflix is a stoners friend...
Work a holics
Sunny in Philadelphia
Angry beavers
All the cannabis documentaries on there
Tons on there list goes on
But when im really high i like tp watch the cartoons from my child hood they are actually really funny compared to today back then the creators had dirty minds and put shit in cartoons lol
Reefer madness was alright kinda.dumb but funny...im gonna start watching old black n white b movies(old low budget horror movies 50s,60s
Reefer madness was alright kinda.dumb but funny...im gonna start watching old black n white b movies(old low budget horror movies 50s,60s

We went with Loopers last night instead. It was alright for a flick..Nothing really memorable about it..:joint:
Netflix is a stoners friend...
Work a holics
Sunny in Philadelphia
Angry beavers
All the cannabis documentaries on there
Tons on there list goes on
But when im really high i like tp watch the cartoons from my child hood they are actually really funny compared to today back then the creators had dirty minds and put shit in cartoons lol

Netflix FOR DAYS!!! :joint:
Repo Man
Rock n Roll High School

Starship Troopers
Flash Gordon
The Number 23
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Battle Star Galactica (series, either one.)
Sweeny Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
From Hell
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

And then...
Dude Where's My Car?
Finding Nemo (HD, man that movie is DETAILED!)
One time man... I was so stoned man... I thought this was the best damn movie ever:
I will always recommend The Man Who Came to Dinner...you'll laugh a lot...give it a chance. Prolly Bette Davis' only comedic role along with Jimmy Durante, Ann Sheridan, an unforgettable Monty Woolley, and a host of character actors.