high times hobbies???


Well-Known Member
So, like the title says what are some hobbies you like to do while gettin baked. Show off pics/vids of your work.
I like to fish alot and do ceramic and bronze sculpture. The pics are some of my bronze work. i also like guns but my wife has the key to the safe at the moment so you will get to see those later.



Well-Known Member
I don't have anything productive to show for my highs. I watch funny movies, say stupid shit, eat rediculous combinations of food, and beat-off.


Well-Known Member
i have some food combos :)

otherwise you can check out my grows, they kept my busy the whole last year.. was a fun year.. learnt allot about my hobby growing weed ;)
yea ive looked through your grows pretty damn good, i bet they did keep you buys lol.