High temps


Active Member
Ok I have 2 plants set up in a small speaker box with 4 cfl's I have 1 intake and 1 exhaust.. it gets really hot 94 degrees hot..should I, add another fan for exhaust or for intake?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i would take the fan out of the intake and use it as another exhaust. and either cut another passive intake hole or make the intake hole you have now larger.
whats the temp. of the air going in the intake?


Well-Known Member
maybe lose a cfl until the temp is controlled? unfortunate sacrifice, but a dead plant helps no one...


Active Member
Ok I took out 2 cfls for now..since I did start with only 2 in the beginning and the plants were doing fine..I have an extra fan and I'm going to cut out another hole for exhaust.


Active Member
Ok well I added another exhaust fan..its quite big..I also changed the plug for the fans as the other one had a smaller voltage output..now the with the extra fan and the fans running much much faster the temp is still high..it either sits at 87-90 or 91


Active Member
No not really the box is in my room..I guess I could pull the temp monitor out and sit it in the room..I'll get it brb..


Well-Known Member
85 is good -- some strains, like herrer, perform better in cooler temperatures.

the only reason i ask about the ambient temperature is if it is also in the 90s, then...what could one expect?


Active Member
well ok I guess thats right..its 81 in my room..and when I went to pull the temp gauge out of the box it was at 85 so I guess it went down some.


Well-Known Member
true -- bring the ambient temperature down and the temperature in there will go down. if you can locate your speaker/grow box in front/on top of an ac vent -- it'll drop the temperature significantly.

as long as the ac doesnt come from the ceiling you should be able to help it...


Active Member
true -- bring the ambient temperature down and the temperature in there will go down. if you can locate your speaker/grow box in front/on top of an ac vent -- it'll drop the temperature significantly.

as long as the ac doesnt come from the ceiling you should be able to help it...
yea..the ac is on the ceiling :( and in front of my door..the speaker box is on the opposite side of the room..sucks


Well-Known Member
Ok well I added another exhaust fan..its quite big..I also changed the plug for the fans as the other one had a smaller voltage output..now the with the extra fan and the fans running much much faster the temp is still high..it either sits at 87-90 or 91
You can only suck out a lot of air if you have provided enough air intake. So, if you have a 6" fan sucking and your enclosure is totally sealed, at a minimum you want a 6" passive intake.

Like someone else mentioned the air will only get warmer than the air of the room it's in. If it's 85-90 in the room you have your enclosure in, well, expect high temps.


Active Member
Well I took out 1 cfl a while ago..and they temps have not gone above 90..they are from 80-85..I'm not too worried.


Active Member
is it true that if you are running c02 in the room you can grow in warmer conditions? my room is running about 90 degrees with ac in the room. how bad is this?


Well-Known Member
yes, with c02 it can (maybe even should?) be warmer -- ive not dabbled in adding c02 yet. did the yeast thing...waste of time.

high temps can cause hermies, too -- and mine that were in flower that were really hot never yielded worthwhile bud.