High RH for drying


Active Member
edit:post should say drying not curing!

Hello all, my hygrometer reads its about 80% rh here, it is very cold, im wondering how inaccurate it's possible for hygroemeters to be and wether i should calibrate it, i just cut down some plants and didnt realise it would be this hight, any help appreciated, oh the temps are around 65 F inside


You could pick up a really cheap one at Home Depot, and see if they agree. I think at that RH you have a real danger of mold. I would move your stuff to a warmer, drier place in the meantime.


Active Member
cheers will do, ive moved some stuff around managed to get it down a lot by turning the heating up plenty, guess my bills are gonna be a lot...it's all in the cure though so worth it


New Member
How do I calibrate my hygrometer? (Humidity Gauge)[/h]
Analog hygrometers are manufactured with a factory tolerance of +/- 5% points of humidity (and sometimes more) through the normal range of 40-80%. Although humidity gauge is pre-set at the factory, its calibration may be off within this range for various reasons.A simple, easy to do at home means of calibrating hygrometers uses standard salt and a sealed container. Table salt, when used properly, will maintain an exact 75% humidity in a perfectly sealed environment. So, to do this, you'll need three items. First, obtain an airtight container such as a see-through tub with a tight fitting snap-on lid (the kind usually found in most kitchens). Alternately, a heavy-duty zip-lock bag will do. Second, you'll need about a teaspoon of salt. Third, any small, shallow open container is needed (to hold the salt in) such as a screw cap from a plastic bottle.Place the salt in its small container and add a few drops of water to moisten it. Don't dissolve it yet. With just a few drops of water, you'll get what you need, which is damp salt. Next, carefully place the salt in its small container, along with your hygrometer, into the airtight container. Please do not get any moistened salt on the gauge. Also, check to see that the starting point (current reading) is anywhere in the 40% to 80% range.Seal the container tightly. Note: if you have any doubt as to whether or not it is a perfectly sealed environment, double-it-up by putting it in a second container, or into a second baggie. Do not try to remove the remaining air trapped inside. Now, wait for at least 5 or 6 hours until the environment has stabilized. Do not open the container. Read the gauge's humidity % level. It should be exactly 75%. If it is not, note the deviation as being the amount your hygrometer is out of calibration. If for example, it reads 68%, the gauge is 7% low. If on the other hand it reads 80%, the gauge is 5% high.Now, remove the gauge from the container and locate a very small jeweler’s flathead screwdriver. If it fits through the small hole in the center of the rear plate, it should work well. Put it in that hole, and turn it slowly while watching the dial on the front. If your gauge was low by 4%, turn the screwdriver clockwise and make the dial rest 4% points higher than it did previously. Conversely, if your gauge was high by 6%, turn the screwdriver counter-clockwise and make the dial rest 6% points lower than it did previously. That's it. Your gauge is now calibrated and you should feel very comfortable with its accuracy from this point on.:::Courtesy of http://www.shroomery.org :::


Active Member
cheers, i think i've got it sorted, got two hygrometers so im comparing what they both read and it's fairly close, they have been stored in different places for a while so i don't think there's much bias either, will definitely re-cailbrate as soon as i can
Im using a fan and the radiator and have managed to get it to 80F and 50-55rh (compared to 61F and 80rh!), going to change the settings a little and see if i can get it 75F and 55-60rh which i think is about right, thanks for all the info and the moderator for sorting my shabby thread titles


Active Member
80 is too hot
I cure in the 60s in my basement.
nice one trousers, i have been letting it get cooler, more like 19.5 C which is about 60% Rh when its 21 C it's 55%rh which is a pretty good percentage for drying right?

first one i cut down is still smelling a bit planty but it's been drying for 4 days, jarred up it's reading 73% RH after about an hour in there, so it definately still needs a day more hung up, hope the hayness goes away, im pretty sure i didnt dry it too fast

what rh do you get in there? i got a feeling these are bigger buds than the ones im drying right now, maybe i dont need the heating on


Well-Known Member
For the cost of your (upcoming) fat utility bill, you could probably buy yourself a dehumidifier. Mine cost about $120, and now I have no worries while drying. I shoot for 65-70 degrees at about 55% RH.

My dehumidifier can be set at the appropriate humidity and it will cycle on and off to maintain it.