High Pressure Sodium (HPS) or Metal Halides(MH) ?


Active Member
Witch one will give me a better yeild? I am planning on growing Alaskan Ice in a hydroponic setup and was curious as to witch lighting system would give me a better yeild.. The alaskan ice is supposed to give me up too 800 grams per square meter... I am only trying to grow one plant for myself...Any Help Would be aprreciated... thanks


Well-Known Member
MH is best for veg growth
HPS is best for flowering

(generally accepted as fact)

I use HPS and love it. I have NOT used MH. After reading and asking (like you) I decided on my HPS


Well-Known Member
i use both, MH for veg, and HPS for flower. i'll tell you that the mh definitely makes a difference over the HPS for veg. I have done HPS only grows, and the plants don't look quite the same when I'm ready to flower as they would had I used a MH.


Active Member
So I should use both? Any one else have more insight? I have been reading that some companies have been making new MH bulbs that have more blue spectrum lights witch make it a match for the HPS any truth to this or is it just a marketing gimic?


Well-Known Member
Its the HPS bulbs that have the extra blue spectrum lights. Agro sun i think does this. They work well, most people do not notice much effect over a standard HPS. MH for veg , HPS for flower or just HPS all the way. Using the MH for veg will get you tighter node spacing and ultimately denser buds.


Active Member
I found this in another post just wondering if this is the right way to go...


Marijuana Toker
Marijuana Toker
Join Date: Nov 2006​
Posts: 123​

MH provides the best spectrum (quality of light) for vegetative growth (the period from seedling to maturity). HPS provides the best spectrum for flowering. The flowering stage is more important because that's when you're making budzzz. You can use HPS for vegetative growth, but with slower, less lush results. Many people around here have had good results just using compact fluorescents of the right spectrum for vegging instead of MH, too.

what do you guys think?


Active Member
Between these 2 witch one is the better set up... I have some cash to waste so I was wonder witch would you guys recommened...

Liquid Lumens and 1000w Lumatek Ballast

and i had a question what is the difference between 120 volt and the 240 volt ballast? can any one give me a simple answer other then one is double the wattage... what are the advantages and disadvantages...and i will also be adding the HydroFarm Active Air 1/2 HP and the Liquid Lumens Radiant Reflector to this setup if i go with this system...

or would this be the better system

Hydrofarm Radiant 8 AC - Lumatek ballast grow light system from Growco Indoor Garden Supply

Radiant 8 AC - 1000W Lumatek 240V Ballast

thanks again guys


Active Member
anyone? need to know as i really want to order one of these two systems soon...so any input would be aprreciated... the question again is witch of the two systems above is the best?