High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
lol ok

chuck I know HIDs work, they work great. I also know that COBs work, because I tried it, and I'm completely blown away.

Can you put aside your preconceptions and ego and have a conversation?
I know cobs grow weed, i know watt for watt, they grow MORE. They just don't grow the same quality bud as my gavita. and I have shown that over and over. as soon as nostyle admits it, the better things will be. it really is that simple.


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna argue with you about that. I haven't seen the upper tier output from COB vs that from HPS.

Although, I'm gonna throw a little musical analogy at this. I can put just about any shitty guitar in the hands of a great player, and it will sound like that player. Put some COBs in the hands of some of the best growers and see what they come up with.

As far as I can tell, there's a huge backlash against COBs but never did I see this against T5s, or CFL... and dudes were rocking perpetual CFL grows under 100W for years and although they may not have been massive kolas, it was top shelf dank no less.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna argue with you about that. I haven't seen the upper tier output from COB vs that from HPS.

Although, I'm gonna throw a little musical analogy at this. I can put just about any shitty guitar in the hands of a great player, and it will sound like that player. Put some COBs in the hands of some of the best growers and see what they come up with.

As far as I can tell, there's a huge backlash against COBs but never did I see this against T5s, or CFL... and dudes were rocking perpetual CFL grows under 100W for years and although they may not have been massive kolas, it was top shelf dank no less.
I have used the guitar analogy, love it. Same as golf clubs. LED have been around long enough that some great grower has tried them. YET, still NOT 1 Pic of a top shelf finished nugg. they are happy to post a pic of the plant right before chop, when all plants pretty much look good.
But I have seen it happen all the time. after it dries, your like WTF happened? Must be a real bummer for led guys to have that happen ALL THE TIME.


Well-Known Member
I offered to pay $1500 to anyone who could build me a led light that could compare to my gavita, ALL OF THEM tucked tail and ran.
well I don't wanna build one, I have one I wanna buy and I am pretty sure it would change things but I don't have the grand it cost to spare at the moment,,,,,,,

You know me, I think outside the box, the light I want to buy is not a "grow" light 8)


Well-Known Member
lol ok

chuck I know HIDs work, they work great. I also know that COBs work, because I tried it, and I'm completely blown away.

Can you put aside your preconceptions and ego and have a conversation?
I think he's lost/given up that ability long ago, which is why I'm thankful for the ignore button.


Well-Known Member
I have not bashed the LED camp and I understand the bashing cause I get bashed for usin T5's. But my reason for not bashing is that I have experimented with LED and the results were amazing. Unfortunately I did not finish the experiment I only vegged a plant with the LED didn't flower it. But a 50 watt LED completely blew away a 400 watt CMH in veg

and that 50 watt LED light was 5 feet off the canopy while the 400 was 2 feet off, you see I figured out a long time ago what was missing in the LED camp and tested it (had a convo with @ttystikk last night about this)

this was the light
View attachment 3673898
'Twas a lively conversation, too, with lots of mutual friends from all over the country. A most thoroughly enjoyable afternoon!
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chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
you ignore me because I tell it like it is and you can't handle the truth, that is why you haven't posted ANYTHING on that piece of crap you built


Well-Known Member
you ignore me because I tell it like it is and you can't handle the truth, that is why you haven't posted ANYTHING on that piece of crap you built
tis actually not a piece of crap, I've seen it and yes there are a few adjustments he needs to make but and I do give him credit for this, he is workin on it (but I'll let him splain it when he is ready)

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
tis actually not a piece of crap, I've seen it and yes there are a few adjustments he needs to make but and I do give him credit for this, he is workin on it (but I'll let him splain it when he is ready)
so, you can't just plug it in and grow dank bud? HMMMMM? i did that with ALL 3 of my gavitas. absolutely crushed it from the first run on

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Tis the reality of makin your own, testing and alterations must be done
this has been my point. You can buy a KNOWN horticulture lamp, hang it and grow dank. LED is going to require a lot of work an they still aren't there, YET, they want to continue to claim they grow BETTER than a DE. you see where I am coming from?


Well-Known Member
this has been my point. You can buy a KNOWN horticulture lamp, hang it and grow dank. LED is going to require a lot of work an they still aren't there, YET, they want to continue to claim they grow BETTER than a DE. you see where I am coming from?
I do honestly believe the light I shared with you would compete with a DE

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
so funny @Rrog it's like we both used to drive chevy's and you bought a ford, now you don't like me because I talk shit on fords. What a fuckin baby you are.