High for the first time & eating bunches'a'oats


Well-Known Member
^^ just cant believe he light he's first joint infront of the PC & on rollitup.org ^^

but if thats true.. then yeah i stick to my opinion ^^

Anyway wasnt being rude...... just saying.... unbelievable.... :peace::peace::peace::peace:
that just gave me my laugh of the day


Active Member
DWR, How's it unbelieveable? I go to a school full of preppy good kids that would NEVER smoke, my only friend who would is grounded for 3 months, and I have weed in my posession. What else do you expect me to do? LOL


Well-Known Member
Honey Bunches of Oats RAWKS! Try them with either the dried peaches (mmmm... peaches) or strawberries. God dammit, I'm on a diet like Krygor and I can't have 'em, either. But! Special K makes a cereal with the strawberries and that's good. Still, not "supposed" to have it, but damn it's pretty good, too.

I love HBo'O. 8)