High CBD Low THC

Check out www.houseofthegreatgardener.com, they have seeds that are high in CBD called CBD Rene. I picked up a pack of 6 fem seeds last summer and am going to grow a plant this year.

CBD René is an award winning combination of flavor and high CBD. René’s legendary berry smell, licorice flavour and perfect popcorn buds shine through, while the Cannatonic in her delivers potent CBD at 1:1 THC to CBD ratio. To top it off, she produces quality, full-melt resin. Our first CBD rich strain and we’re proud of her.

Testing required to verify high CBD. Our tests reveal 72%, roughly 7 out of 10 seeds. Genetics – Cannatonic (f) X Rene (m)
Variety – Indica/Sativa
Seed – Feminized
Analysis – THC 6.17%, CBD 6.38%, CBC 0.35%, CBG 0.24%
Flowering Time – 7-8 weeks

  • 1st place CBD Flower - 2016 Lift Cup Toronto
    1st place CBD Flowers, 2015 Harvest Moon Cup Vancouver
  • 3rd place BC Dispensaries, 2014 Canadian Cannabis Awards
  • Highest CBD Flower - 2014 High Times Cannabis Cup Amsterdam
Emailed Green Point Seeds, they say they have the Chardonnay in stock now, but $150.00 for a few seeds (though they sound great) is just a little out of my price range, the Dancehall is only 30.00€, not sure about the conversion rate but I doubt that it will be X 5 from euros to dollars.
Check out www.houseofthegreatgardener.com, they have seeds that are high in CBD called CBD Rene. I picked up a pack of 6 fem seeds last summer and am going to grow a plant this year.

CBD René is an award winning combination of flavor and high CBD. René’s legendary berry smell, licorice flavour and perfect popcorn buds shine through, while the Cannatonic in her delivers potent CBD at 1:1 THC to CBD ratio. To top it off, she produces quality, full-melt resin. Our first CBD rich strain and we’re proud of her.

Testing required to verify high CBD. Our tests reveal 72%, roughly 7 out of 10 seeds. Genetics – Cannatonic (f) X Rene (m)
Variety – Indica/Sativa
Seed – Feminized
Analysis – THC 6.17%, CBD 6.38%, CBC 0.35%, CBG 0.24%
Flowering Time – 7-8 weeks

  • 1st place CBD Flower - 2016 Lift Cup Toronto
    1st place CBD Flowers, 2015 Harvest Moon Cup Vancouver
  • 3rd place BC Dispensaries, 2014 Canadian Cannabis Awards
  • Highest CBD Flower - 2014 High Times Cannabis Cup Amsterdam
Thanks for the post kkt3, that strain sounds excellent, but it's way to high in thc for me, the 0.6 thc from the ACDC I have now is still a little strong, but tolerable, anything over that fucks me up for days.
THC is a well known psychoactive cannabinoid and is responsible for the majority of the effects that you get from marijuana consumption. Ultimately THC is what gets you “High". CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, which is known for changing the effects of consumed THC. CBD increases the happy, euphoric and cerebral effects of THC
I prefer CBD to match THC 1:1 if the weed has any noticeable CBD to begin with.
Normally I just use pure African landrace Sativa. It doesn;t really mask pain that well, but it still makes you less focused on the pain, than whatever else is on your mind.
The best meds I've found for my arthritis has been some bud I picked up in a compassion club in Kelowna, BC last August. Called Sweet Skunk CBD that had been tested at 12% CBD and 7% THC so almost a 2:1 ratio.

I had just got my doctors recommendation and it was the owner of the compassion club that turned me on to the doctor. Of course I had to make my first quasi-legal pot purchase there eh. :)

I bought a few single grams to try out and after trying the Sweet Skunk knew I had to get more. I bought 10g to bring home and make cocobudder with and the shit worked great. I'd take a tsp a couple hours before bed, sleep like a baby and get up with just a dull ache in my joints instead of the stabbing pain everywhere.

The high was great too. Almost like being half pissed and made me want to laugh at nothing sometimes. So it was good for the depression too.

I'm growing some hi-CBD strains now. Otto#1 that's about 10 - 27% CBD and 1% THC. The other is a cross of that and Cannatonic which is already a 1:1 or 2:1 depending on what seed site you read about it on.

I had two Otto males and just a few hours ago used some of their pollen to dust some buds on some regular pot I really like. LoneStar Blue Heaven, (L.S.D. X Blueberry), from Barney's Farms about 6 years ago. I have about 8 plants grown from seed 4 weeks into flowering so will dust a few buds on the best of those. A nice Purple Kush will get a dose too as it was a clone I got off a buddy and the only one I have. Purple Kush CBD sounds good. :)

I'm going to sprout a few more strains and get some more CBD crosses while the pollen is still viable.
