Hieght / Drian problem


Active Member
Hey everyone, Im about to start my first little grow in my crawlspace. Ive got a 2x4 table set up with 3inch rockwools (fits 50 exact). They will be sitting under a 430w hps bulb, from clones straight into a 12/12. The only problem is the Height. Ive got no more then 3ft for everything. With the light setup and table, Ive only got about 2 feet of actual plant growth before the bulbs will start burning the tips. I was thinking of making all the plants single colas (since there are so many in such a small place) and keep the small by putting them straight into 12/12. How much will a clone grow in the flowering stage before its ready to be harvest?

Second Problem is that Ive tried to make as much space as possible so It will almost be impossible to drain the table. I was thinking of running a thin hose with needle size wholes ontop of the rockwools. Would the excess water that evetaully made its way down to the bottom of the table get sucked back up by the rockwools? Is there any way of getting away without a drain on a flow table?



Well-Known Member
How tall a plant grows during flowering is dependent on several variables some of which are strain, health of the plant, quantity and quality of nutrients, temperature, how much light and what spectrum of light, etc.

I don't understand why you won't be able to drain your table. How are you going to change your reservoir then?

Honestly it sounds you like you need to rethink your grow space. The crawl space I think would be one of the most difficult areas to control the environment, susceptible to pests and insects, and not very accessible.

Try a sog or lst to keep your plants low and confined.


Well-Known Member
sog or lst??? whats that
The best advice I can give you right now is do your homework and learn everything you can before you try to grow.

Read the threads and faq's on RIU.

No one answered before because your questions and problems have been answered and resolved many, many times on here already. Search threads.

People don't mind helping out as long as the other person is attempting to learn and not asking a question with evry response.

In short, build your knowledge base. Growing is fun, but not always so easy.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
use a cool tube and SCROG = SCROG =screen of green you use a screen and bend everything under it to keep it low like

that room is 4 foot tall and running 2x600w HPS your 400w will do a 3 feet high room easy in a cool tube.