I thought it was because they has such small engines they could run on rice? (not really, but ye) Like the joke rice burners isnt that what it came from? I guess both are funny and work.I was being literal. I was joking. If he was driving a rice crispy treat literally. It would cause suspicion. Thats what I meant. We call them ricers cuz there from japan or china. They eat rice there.
DAMN RIGHT.there is a big difference between performance and rice bro...
i thought he asked where he could hide it... not for your opinion on music.. or welfare moms, or "ricer" cars...Take off your hat, shave, dont wear a hoodie and dont dress like a wigger. Turn down the shitty rap music. Try not to fit the typical ricer profile.If you do get pulled over be respectful to the officer. Know your rights regarding search and seizure laws. Dont drive like a hotass. Dont wind out your motor. Try to travel when other people are. If your tint is ileagal dont bother to risk it. Around my way all the ricers have fallen off. FINALLY. Most of them are pos neons. Sometimes you will see a welfare mom driving them because they are cheap and no one else wants anything to do with them.
Cops check the spare... it's way overdone
Half a pound? Your best hope is not getting pulled over
I know these types of cars are always getting pulled over but at least my window tint is legal and I don't drive like a jack ass or any thing but I like thye idea of dumping it rather than hiding it. All though hiding it in food does'nt sound like a bad idea. Oh I almost forgot thanks for all the jokes about the ricer.