Hiding the smell


I live with people who dont need to know im growing. im sure at some point the smell is gonna get really strong, is there any way to cover it up? my grow room is in a slide door closet so its completely sealed. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
carbon scrubber if you aint got the money for one of those then get a spray called glde plug in these have timers on them and you can set it for 5/10/15/20minutes and so on these give off a real pungent smell.But i'm not sure if you can get them in the us so i would advise anyone liveing in a shared house to smoke cannabis openly in front of them so if they get any smell they will put it down to you smokeing.But a carbon scrubber is the best bet you can get fan carbon scrubber and all fixings from growell for around 130 pound.


Well-Known Member
if thats to expensive look up ona bucket method its cheapier but more temperary than a carbon filter but fans arent as loud
iam growing some ganja dwarf as well but am curious as to what size gallon pot to use i also what to see a pic of the plant in flowering


Well-Known Member
if u use a scrubber u may want to make a small tent to store it in and then with a bthrm fan and duct, push the air from ur grow room into the filter tent and then outside... then u can dry ur havest in the tent aswell while u grow in ur closet.... cuz both ur grow and ur harvest is gonna rank... i guess if ur jus growin a crop amd then harvesting, then u dont need to worry but others who perpetuate grow may read this and wonde how to cover all aspects of smell with one scruber as u shouldnt really dry in ur grow room with lights, heat and humidity...

VV Cephei

Active Member
The carbon scrubber is your best bet if you want to do the most thorough job of eliminating smell. The Ona gel/bucket works too, but you really can't beat a good carbon scrubber.
there's lots or carbon filters designs on line. search (marijuana carbon filters )you can get carbon at pet stores ,for fish water filters.
you can jerry rig something up for 35 bucks or so.


Active Member
Not too bright if you are putting everyone at risk for your little closet grow. It would so suck to get into trouble over something a stupid roomate was doing.