Hiding money any ideas?


Well-Known Member
lol@bake bean fetish.

If you have inside doors in your house, 90% of them are hollow unless you got a helluva nice house with solid oak and shit. But if you take one of your bedroom doors off and look at the top take a skill saw and cut out part of the top(be sure not to cut into the face, just the top board) and make a slot big enough to drop cash into. To get it out, take door off, flip it over...thats what i did. worked great til i ran out of moolah.


Well-Known Member
if you're gonna invest it, buy some stock or mutual fund. buy a variety, the stock market is low now, it'll go back up someday.

you could beat 4% from a CD easy... if you have the time and know how to hardcore day trade, you could double you cash in a year.


Well-Known Member
but if you don't, youll probably lose money day trading... definitely investing in something safe like an index is probably good now since the market is low and you wouldn't even have to sell your soul and become a day trader :lol:


Well-Known Member

Able To Roll A Joint
Able to roll a joint

lol@bake bean fetish.

If you have inside doors in your house, 90% of them are hollow unless you got a helluva nice house with solid oak and shit. But if you take one of your bedroom doors off and look at the top take a skill saw and cut out part of the top(be sure not to cut into the face, just the top board) and make a slot big enough to drop cash into. To get it out, take door off, flip it over...thats what i did. worked great til i ran out of moolah.

thats a good ass idea, i got fifty stacks i gotta hid for a bit. I am def gonna do this;-)

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
go to the bank and put it in a secrity doposit box the police cannot open a security depostit box thats one of the only things cops have no power over all drug dealers,mob,mafia,gang's put there money i know this becuse my good freind is a cop no one and i mean NO ONE can tell u what canand what you can not to put in it as long as it fits plus no one will even know whats in it cuase the bank people leave u alone in a room so u can do it descretly.


Junior Creatologist
chekkit man.

S t a s h C a n s . c o m (Why chance it)

go here, and buy yourself one of everything, lol. Hide that fuckin money, and the cops wouldn't think to look at a can of fuckin spaghettios n be like, hmmm this looks like a safe. They even got pop bottles that have real pop in them that are safes in the middle part where the label is. checkit out man. good investment for sure.

go to the bank and put it in a secrity doposit box the police cannot open a security depostit box thats one of the only things cops have no power over all drug dealers,mob,mafia,gang's put there money i know this becuse my good freind is a cop no one and i mean NO ONE can tell u what canand what you can not to put in it as long as it fits plus no one will even know whats in it cuase the bank people leave u alone in a room so u can do it descretly.
Hes right. Cops cant go there, because its not linked to your bank account. Just hide your key somewhere, and they would never even know that you own a deposit box. Smartest thing to do ever. But thats if were talkin G's, not a couple hundred bucks you dont want your crackhead sister gettin her hands on ;)


Well-Known Member
why wouldnt you trust a bank with 30k? legit banks have insurace per person up to 100k. Unless your worried the government would seize your accounts??

i suggest on your lowest floor of your home or basement cut out a 5x5 hole beneath or within the foundation and put a safe there, then cover it with dirt or something else. No one will ever find it if u conseal the floor well!


Well-Known Member
Best place is on the drain pipes on your roof the slanted ones put it in a jar then keep it up there inside your drain attach a rope or sumink so it wont get lost


Well-Known Member
Never keep your money in one place. You need to hide it in a number of places. If something happens and you have it in just one place. Well…You can say good bye to the lot.

The best thing to do it put it in a semi permanent hiding place. Like in the walls or buried under ground or inside a step. But most of all try and keep it away from anything that burns. (Just don’t forget where you put it)


Well-Known Member
I use my aunts crib, she breeds PITTS....go get my money LOL. Im weird, I hate banks. I keep some there but only cause you really have to in a sense but if them bitches went down tomorrow, ill be aight;-)


Well-Known Member
cant believe im sayin this but,im on a strictly cash and carry type of bizz..so i do the old fridge trick...open the door to the fridge (no literally)..should hold anywhere from 100 150k..keep my operation small,so never had a fridge with 100k in it,but definately bout half that..works fine for me


Well-Known Member
some good ideas but its like 30k so its need to be kinda big thaks for the help. and funny fdd :) hehe
Dude seriously get that money the fuck out of your house! Why do you need 30k lying around? If the cops break in and find that you are adding the nail to your coffin. My 2 cents would be

money market fund - Its like a savings account that you make interest on your money but you have access to your money all the time. BUT you can only write checks from it and it has to be in high increments like $300 +

IRA - This is more of a long term investment. You have an initial cost to buy one ( typically $3000ish ) If you decide to take money out of it you only pet penalized on the interest that you make on it.

seriously though it is pretty foolish in general to have $30k just sitting around. Maybe just keep $5K sitting around but even that is foolish in my opinion. Its a lot of money and would piss you off if it got stollen/fire/cops/parents found it ....... ??