Hiding a grow room from parents PLZ HELP


Active Member
Hey guys Im new to growing weed and to using this site. Ok, so my problem is I am still living with my parents. One smokes pot the other doesn't and doesn't know about the other smoking.

I have a little set up in my room in my closet behind thin curtains. And one day while I was at work my mom came into my room and saw the light from behind the curtains and saw my seedling. She wasnt mad but told me to hide it from my step dad. Well I don't make a lot of money so making a grow room big enough to grow weed in but small enough to hide in my closet is kinda hard. SO my question is, what can I use to make a nice grow room that isn't obvisously a grow room. And something that won't catch on fire easily (like a cardboard box).


Well-Known Member
Hes growing in his MOMS house who said to HIDE it from his STEP-DAD

do whatever you want..if my mom was cool with it and told me to hide it from my step-dad thats exactly what I would do.

Alanna, go to the "indoor" section
and look at the "CFL" section INSIDE the indoor section. Its a sub-category.

You can use a RUBBERMAID box with great success. They're easy to make stealth, too (besides for the smell) :)


Well-Known Member
People generally advise against growing in someone elses house. But when you think about it taking the risk to grow a tiny plant in your parent's house isn't worth it. Wait until summer and grow a decent amount outside.


Well-Known Member
People generally advise against growing in someone elses house. But when you think about it taking the risk to grow a tiny plant in your parent's house isn't worth it. Wait until summer and grow a decent amount outside.
Best advice yet. :fire:


Active Member
your better off growing outdoors somewhere then you can grow bigger and don't have to worry about your step dad smelling anything.


Well-Known Member
don't play 'show and tell' with your friends. and when you do get busted... make sure you don't talk to the cops. and when you do talk to the cops, make sure they know your mom had no idea what you were doing. and when your mom admits what that she knew what ur doing, make sure they take away ur moms house....



Active Member
dont grow in ur parents house, unless they are cool with it. im honest with my parents specially when they wanted to know what was in the boxes the ups guy dropped off
but either way they dont like what im doing
but wont tell me to stop as long as it doesnt cause trouble for anyone(specifacally them).

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
but wont tell me to stop as long as it doesnt cause trouble for anyone(specifacally them).
Mom does not have "plausible deniability". I believe that both of them would consider the loss of their house "trouble". Many states have stiff penalties for low plant counts which include asset seizure.......tough economic times in government can create a more aggressive pursuit for assets......food for thought.



Well-Known Member
i have seen people grow in a fridge you could put a fridge in ya room rip everything out of it so you just got the shell, then install some cfls and put a lock on it!


Active Member
i use a 6ftx3ftx2ft metal cabinet..stripped the inside then make a wood skeleton inside for lights and fans..doors lock...i have key...the only thing outside is the timers and on either side xbox 360 fans intake/exhaust...light tight ..but when you build a room cabinet...best idea...(2 people and move it WHERE EVER you may need.)..its looks normal sitting there besides the slight hum and vibration... better wood structure inside means less noise...you cant hear it unless you about 3 ft away... i use 2 ft t5 setup and a 150w cfl to add with flowering. but i would really thing of how much room you have before you go shopping some thing up...my very first cabinet was an old black pos chest turned side ways(standing up) with cfl in it. the chest had the 3 locked that were made on to it...locked with a pad lock...but then again i have noe clue of your age and the way of live you have living with your rents ..i have my on place.

just remember power about the waste....water below the waste.


Well-Known Member
That shit will smell in a good 30 days. wait till you have your own spot or just say fuck it and do it openly. Thuglife


Well-Known Member
1 - you could grow in rubbermade contanors
2 - build a nice wood box for them

if you want to have mom plants build a couple or a few boxes
1 for your mom(s)
1 for making clones
1 for flowering

if I was still living with my mom I would make it look like its just part of my room , its not hard since I'm a computer / gamming person