hidin shit


Active Member
Just turnd 18 a month ago n havnt bin able to move out my house yet. My parents r very anti weed n used to search my room so i figuredd id just put up my best hidin spots that werent even discovered when there was a warrant for my house.

I have a futon wit a covr on it n i just put it insiide the zippered cover. Sounds like a bad spot but my parents havnt found it n the police didnt eithr(luky, no dogs)

I have a tv w/vcr n i put it in the vcr

A poster wit space in the back works well

Cut the felt bottom out of a lamp

If i puull my dresser drawer completely out theres about 3" o clearence under it(a lil risky wen my mom used to put away my clothes but not anymore)

Keep in mind that i live in a small town so my police force may b a lil inexperienced howevr my neighbor told my newark swat was there too (idk i was in the station) and obviously if they have drug dogs your done.

Also my parents r experienncd at findin drugs now. They even found shit hidden inside my wall through a ventilation duct but never discovered these spots. Hopefully this will help someone

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Active Member
haha, well it all depends on how your place is layed out, what objects are in your room, and how many "hiding spots" u can find, i have a ceiling that has wooden support beams in it so on top of them is good, in my car, xbox game cases, vcr, all that shit works well, ive been hiding it from my parents for like 5 years, also my police are very inexperienced

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Just turnd 18 a month ago n havnt bin able to move out my house yet. My parents r very anti weed n used to search my room so i figuredd id just put up my best hidin spots that werent even discovered when there was a warrant for my house.

Plain and simple you should have respect for your parents while you live there. It's their house, they pay for it and if they don't like weed then you should not, under any circumstances, be growing there.

I realize this is a hard concept for an 18 year old to grasp. You have never owned your own place so you likely just won't "get it"..... but you will when you grow up a bit.

Either way... you are likely to get VERY LITTLE, if any, support around this forum for growing in your parents house against their wishes. Why??? Because those of us who are actually adults understand just how wrong it is.


Well-Known Member
True that Florida.

Get your own place man, you can do whatever you want when you the king of your own castle.


Well-Known Member
i told my buddy to put a vacum sealed weed bag deep in a full jar of peanut butter.

then transport it in that in your car. Make sure you sprinkle cayann pepper all of the pb jar but not visably

oooo wwweeeee i feel bad for the dog that trys to sniff that :mrgreen:


Active Member
yeah dude def dont grow in your parents house, i am at least negotiable with that, i grow out in the middle of no where, or at my friends house since he lives alone,


Well-Known Member
cut a small ass hole big enough for you hand under your boxspring(near the edge), and put your bud/pipe, w/e in thier. the wood frame your boxsping is made out of is almost like a shelf. i havent had to hide my bud in a while, but no1 ever found it while i used that spot


Well-Known Member
well my fam is totally cool with weed cuz they'll all stoners but i used to hid other goodies in wall outlets. id just unscrew the little platlet off and stick it in the sides of the plugin. no one will check there man!
oh man... cayanne pepper?... the cops already know bout that. as soon as the dogs start sneezing they police already know wassup. its a no good anymore


Well-Known Member
well my fam is totally cool with weed cuz they'll all stoners but i used to hid other goodies in wall outlets. id just unscrew the little platlet off and stick it in the sides of the plugin. no one will check there man!
oh man... cayanne pepper?... the cops already know bout that. as soon as the dogs start sneezing they police already know wassup. its a no good anymore

damn i didnt know that,

but actually the plug in may be kinda dangerous to be stickin you hands in there. I dont think anyone should hide it there for saftey sake

u never got zapped do in that?

i remem as a kid i would unscrew the pedestal of my soccer trophy and hide my bud in the hollw part of the cheap trophy


Well-Known Member
damn i didnt know that,

but actually the plug in may be kinda dangerous to be stickin you hands in there. I dont think anyone should hide it there for saftey sake

u never got zapped do in that?

i remem as a kid i would unscrew the pedestal of my soccer trophy and hide my bud in the hollw part of the cheap trophy
its not like im putting anythin inside the outlet itself where you plug shit it. when you uncrew the panel theres room on the sides of it. i dont see how you would get shocked. but i never have lol :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
it looks alittle off i hot right now you need to recalibrate it ;)

so when i hit level 9 are you sending me a co2 tank