

Hi! Awesome site; who says the Counter-Culture is dead?!

I'm not a hardcore grower, but I do have an indica growing right now, using only love, attention, the energy provided by sun, and some H2O. I'll post some pics soon.

I am struggling a bit with pests and fungi though, so any advice on that would be most appreciated.

Splaff :joint:
hello! welcome to RIU! my best peice of advice for fungi is to use mycorrhizal activated organic tea. look it up on the net, then spray a little on your plants.


you mean like UVA rays, from light?
Yeah, I know UV(C) emits at a wavelength that damages the reproductive capabilities of a lot of bacteria, rendering them useless. It's also handy in sterilising water and medical equipment! I wasn't sure if it applied for UV(A) and UV(B) though.
Im not sure. I dont know much about UV. but this sounds interesting, Im going to have to look into it. but one of the best things to do is to identify what kind of fungi your dealing with. Then you can calculate a quick solution using books or the net.