Hi @ u:)


Active Member
Just wanted to (finally) say hi; I've had an account here for a while and have yet to actually post anything - my timid ass is just now getting comfortable posting anything about anything online anywhere lol. Budgetgrower87 introduced me to pretty much all the details of growing. I use Miracle Grow[FONT=&quot]©[/FONT] organic soil mix amended with perlite (33%) and floured dolomitic lime (1 cup/cu.ft.). I primarily use Fox Farm [FONT=&quot]©[/FONT] fertilizers (Grow Big [FONT=&quot]®[/FONT] and Tiger Bloom [FONT=&quot]®[/FONT]) along with organic hydrolyzed fish fertilizer. I have an indoor setup - a modified prefab cabinet that can house at most four mature plants; my second crop (a strain I know little about - other than that it originated in West Virginia, tastes very crisp and flowery, and produces a mostly dreamy indica high) is nearing the end of its flowering and is about 3-4 weeks away from flushing. Unfortunately, I haven't kept any strict record of the plants' progress or any kind of grow journal - I'm just tracking trichrome development using a small handheld 60x-100x microscope. I do plan on maintaining one here for my third crop. I'll at least post some pics regularly of my current crop from this point to final curing:). I'm always open to comments/advice/constructive criticism; if there's one thing I've learned about growing it's that there are about a billion methods that will work, but only a few that will yield the best results (and even with my science background I'd be a liar if I claimed to know that). So to everyone here... *waves* HI!!!!11