hi team

Honest Bruce

Active Member
Hi Team, i'm not that new but i havent been on here for a few years so it feels like i am.
I am starting a stealth grow using some led lights, just one plant (blueberry feminized)

I was thinking of trying something different in my growing medium this time and use soil!!
I have been doing hydro with expanded clay for so long this is all new to me, can anyone give me some tips when growing in soil.

the main one being watering; how much? how often? with hydro its all on timers, do i need to measure ph in soil? what soil is best?
or should i just rig up a small venturi hydro system?



Active Member
dont add any nutes until plant is at least 12-18" tall....let it tell you what it needs from there....everybody has different soil,i use basic store stuff and add my owe stuff at home..and yes always important to keep control of ph levels ..


Well-Known Member
Do some research .. try to make a nice organice soil mix .. then you dont need to worry about nutriens or PH in your water ..

mine look sumthing like this:


Plagron Organic all mix (peet moss/perlit/wormcasting aso)

coco fibers (clean)

I mix it in a 50/50% for seedlings and use less coco (30%) in my veg/flower pots ..

I repot 3 times to build up a nice root net in the middel of the pot or weed tent to spred out and not use the 30% of the middle pot/soil ..

I greminate in a cup ..

then after 2 weeks I transplant in to its veg pot (3 gallon) wher I have made a mix with the base and a few things added ..

blood/bone meal
bat guano

for NPK and Micros/trace elements

and some lime for calsium and to help buffer my PH and a bit of epsom salt for magnesium and sulfat ..

then a week before I plan to go 12/12 I repot in the final pot (5 gallon) and leave out the blood meal but add more bat guano with a high P: for flowering ..

need room for the stretch so I would strongly advice anybody .. nomather soil mix or pot size to do a repot before 12/12 ..

hope this help a littl .. ask if you need any help .. its a sciens .. I have used hours and days researching soil and things to add .. and I have used hours and miles getting it all .. but now I got all the boxes and stuff .. so all I need in the future is to get the base ..


Well-Known Member
Ooh yea and watering is a sciens as well ..

but I dont think its much harder then PH and Ecc with hydro ..

just need some time to learn .. pots need to feel light compaird to when you just gave them water ..

normaly in my cups its evry seccon day .. in my 3 gallon its more like twise a week ..

but it also depense on tempetures .. air circulation .. how big your plants are and how fast they grow ..
and if you etc. use hydro nuts to shild the top of the soil (I do to keep moist .. so soil dont get crusty and crack .. and it also keep the soil in the pots .. make watering more even and slow and also look nice :)

my flowering plants have high temps and grow fast .. so them I have to water evry seccon day with around 1 gallon of water .. my seedlings I give a few sprays ..

when watering .. you need to see a littel run off (not nesseary if you know how much your pots can hold) in order to know all the soil is wet ..

then you have to wait untill top soil 1-2 inch`s is completly dry .. and pots feel light to lift .. they dont like to stay wet all the time .. but agin .. stuff like perlit .. coco and lega/hydro nuts in the soil can help make it light and airy for the roots .. schould be pretty hard to over water with coco in the mix ..


Well-Known Member

if you think all this is as hard as pulling your hydro out agin ...then choose pure coco ..
schould be easy and close to hydro .. can even use the same nutriens and PH schould also be around the same in coco as in hydro ..
and you dont need all the pumps aso.