Hi! New member

Hello all,
I'm Mark and I'm new to growing cannabis. I'm fascinated by the plant and eager to learn from experienced growers. I'm hoping to gain insights and tips, and share my experiences with you. My goal is to grow high-quality cannabis and explore different consumption methods. Thank you for welcoming me to the forum!
Welcome to RIU, Mark.

Here’s a bit of advice:

Read, research, and learn from the guys who are getting the results you want.

Invest in good genetics and equipment after you’ve had a few successful practice runs. You can start with bagseed and used equipment (that’s what I and many others on a budget did), and upgrade later on to the good stuff. You can sell your used gear to a newbie later on, and complete the cycle lol

Don’t sell. Don’t tell. Don’t smell. Those words will keep you out of trouble.

Invest in a smoke detector and a fire extinguisher. Fires are not your friend.