Hi, I'm new here...

Welcome to RIU, I'm also new here.. Like ten minutes ago new lol. Still trying to figure out the basics

Hey PM. Glad to have you here. Well, first things first - you need to post some nude pics of yourself to break the ice. We will judge them publicly, and see how things go from there based on the ratings. Welcome to T&T...
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Welcome to RIU, I'm also new here.. Like ten minutes ago new lol. Still trying to figure out the basics
Welcome. I am sorry this had to be one of your first experiences here. Mostly because that one user posted a picture of a model of a kiss van.

A model.

We try harder than that here at TnT. Why would anybody post a picture of a model of a kiss van when there really were such things?

I'm really sorry but both from a historical accuracy point of view and from the standpoint of which van would be better filled with weed, I think you will agree that he left you hanging.

Kiss vans are like mega-fauna - hunted nearly to extinction with just a few examples remaining in the wild in Africa and Cuba. But when I was young I went with my brother to the Chevy dealership to buy him a van. There were three kiss vans on the lot! Three! The salesman was trying to get my brother to buy one by cutting a couple thousand off the price but my brother wasn't aware of how cool one of these would look in the year 2016. He lacked vision.

So welcome. An interesting side note... one of the regular users here at TnT is really a member of the boy-band Five Seconds of Summer. Can you guess who?