Hi! I'm getting ready for the regulation in my country, Could you recommend me books to read?

Luis Otilio

New Member
I want to enter to the cannabis growing, specially indoor. But im looking for ALOT of information to make things right, and when the day come, i would be prepared. Could you recommend me any book that helps in general ALL, I have heard that The Cannabis Grow Bible: The Definitive Guide to Growing Marijuana for Recreational and Medical Use by Greg Green is one of the every one should read, but i have also heard that are old. Please reccommend me some book to grow it, on indor, outdoor, the hydroponics, ALSO the design of the Warehouse o GreenHouse. BASICALLY RECOMMEND ME THE BOOKS THAT HAVE HELP YOU A LOT! THANKS
I want to enter to the cannabis growing, specially indoor. But im looking for ALOT of information to make things right, and when the day come, i would be prepared. Could you recommend me any book that helps in general ALL, I have heard that The Cannabis Grow Bible: The Definitive Guide to Growing Marijuana for Recreational and Medical Use by Greg Green is one of the every one should read, but i have also heard that are old. Please reccommend me some book to grow it, on indor, outdoor, the hydroponics, ALSO the design of the Warehouse o GreenHouse. BASICALLY RECOMMEND ME THE BOOKS THAT HAVE HELP YOU A LOT! THANKS
The best information is on the internet
Maybe book based but free
Books on botany... idk how studying birds is going to help.....
ed rosenthal's marijuana growers handbook, a book they use at oaksterdam university in california. But be careful, people on this site hate science and books