Hi- I need some advice

ugh okay i might post a picture then but is it really necassary? i mean if they make me get rid of my account whatever i just started so i dont care too much, its okay. i would prefer if they didn't ban me though agh
We're gonna need to see pubes
in the pic but not the whole vagina

Shave bumps are acceptable.
ugh okay i might post a picture then but is it really necassary? i mean if they make me get rid of my account whatever i just started so i dont care too much, its okay. i would prefer if they didn't ban me though agh
Don't post it of yourself. I got a pic of a hot Indian chick you can borrow.
ugh okay i might post a picture then but is it really necassary? i mean if they make me get rid of my account whatever i just started so i dont care too much, its okay. i would prefer if they didn't ban me though agh
oh it's necessary. but there is no leaving once your in. it's kind of like the mafia and omerta. 3gqxr.jpg
ugh okay i might post a picture then but is it really necassary? i mean if they make me get rid of my account whatever i just started so i dont care too much, its okay. i would prefer if they didn't ban me though agh
put a pic up of your 3rd nipple…so we can see if theres any pencil shavings ..?
-_- shhhh lol
Im just mess in around haha. all serious tho you should be fine smoking that weed, my boy dropped some bud in paint once and still smoked it, true story. he's still alive till this day, so your friend should have a few years left if he smokes it. its cool tho just make stonerlove to him before he passes on to the other side :)
Ok ok. Enough razzin ya! Don't smoke the shavings, in all seriousness. I had a friend Matthew terry die because he smoked pencils in the joint. He was locked up all the time, a troubled kid for sure :( miss that guy. If you smoke that weed, you can, and will die. I hope you haven't done anything stupid? Are you there? Tell him to safe drop the cannBis at the nearest fire station, or you could flush it! Sorry for joking around before, I realized I could have killed somebody, and I couldn't have that on my conscience. Stay blessed!
Ok ok. Enough razzin ya! Don't smoke the shavings, in all seriousness. I had a friend Matthew terry die because he smoked pencils in the joint. He was locked up all the time, a troubled kid for sure :( miss that guy. If you smoke that weed, you can, and will die. I hope you haven't done anything stupid? Are you there? Tell him to safe drop the cannBis at the nearest fire station, or you could flush it! Sorry for joking around before, I realized I could have killed somebody, and I couldn't have that on my conscience. Stay blessed!
…sounds good ^
Fuck man, I remember seeing Matt beat the crap out I this one guy for looking at his commissary bag! Crazy shit, had the dude bringing Matt items all the time after that! I don't think he raped the dude, but I always wondered. I seriously Miss that guy! Fucking idiot couldn't resist the temptation to smoke something, couldn't wait for the south sider dude, who was planning on smuggling some drum tobacco in his butt when he got locked up on a parole violation. Our car always got a cut from what came in house and he would have had real tobacco rolled up in Scott's tissue paper wrapperS, within a few days, but he smoked the pencil shaving anyway. He stole the little pencils from a church fill out form at mass. Dude got really sick within a day was dead. Matthew terry RIP he was a real Friend. He had my back. Not like my other "friends" like Dave schkinner, or Joey.
I ended up moving in with his wife Veronica after I got out of jail. Her and her friend Rachel had a place in the city. They had this other lingerer chick that was kinda strange always hanging about, DeeDee. I told her I would be there for her, and she was there for me too.
Fuck man, I remember seeing Matt beat the crap out I this one guy for looking at his commissary bag! Crazy shit, had the dude bringing Matt items all the time after that! I don't think he raped the dude, but I always wondered. I seriously Miss that guy! Fucking idiot couldn't resist the temptation to smoke something, couldn't wait for the south sider dude, who was planning on smuggling some drum tobacco in his butt when he got locked up on a parole violation. Our car always got a cut from what came in house and he would have had real tobacco rolled up in Scott's tissue paper wrapperS, within a few days, but he smoked the pencil shaving anyway. He stole the little pencils from a church fill out form at mass. Dude got really sick within a day was dead. Matthew terry RIP he was a real Friend. He had my back. Not like my other "friends" like Dave schkinner, or Joe.

I took a close relative to his drug court hearing, he knew they were gonna keep him.
I was driving along and he asked to bum a couple smokes, I was like sure no problem.
Diddnt think of it again until we pulled up and parked.
It took about 2 seconds for him to get his pants in the front seat of the car just enough to cram those smokes in there.

He had twisted them in celaphane.

Same guy had stripped the heads off some matches.
He tore a striker off the pack.
Next he twisted a baggie and shoved
it full of tobacco striker and match heads.
Up his ass

Once he got in there he realised having match heads and striker in the same bag was a horrible idea.
Said he kept having to ask if people smelled smoke.
Paranoid, waiting to burst into flames

Best real life story ever.

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haha yes i am fine and i did not smoke it! i can't tell if you are joking around or not even now. you sound legit in your last message but then you said to drop the weed off at a fire station.... ummm fuck no hahaa.