Hi I am new.


Active Member
Well I have decided to start growin due to genral displeasure of the quality of pot in my area.I was planing on starting out with this all in one kit with some clippings from a friend of mine. High Tech Garden Supply
Just i was just lookin for some newbie tips.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I got the gist of it, I do have a friend who grow's and has told me alot, but you can never get too much info.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum!

read through the GROWFAQ and absorb as much info as you possibly can!

that is NOT a snide comment, it serious advice... it will not only help you get a clue on what to do, but also give you a basis for specific questions.

another bit of advice is develop a healthy dose of skepticism... there are a lot of well meaning people here who will steer you wrong on occasion for various non-malicious reasons. DONT believe everything you read!

case in point, i gave someone advice on clones going off of what works very well for me (and others) and it worked horribly for them... i know my method works for me and i certainly didnt try and fuck up their clones but that is what happened.

be patient and be smart with YOUR grow and do your homework.

take painfully accurate notes on your grows and you will become better with each and every grow. you will notice the master growers here (i am NOT one of them!) are constantly adapting their grows to make things better in their situation.

see what happens when you ask vague questions? some stoner comes along and babbles about all sorts of shit :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok so you stated earlier that youve got cuttings so you dont need to worry about germination, so now from your link it looks like youve got some vegitaive growth nutes and flowering nutes(tell me if you dont understand the veg sate and flowering state). if i were you i would use organics like bat guano and earthworm castings and shit. but if you want to go with the nutes that comes with it go ahead:mrgreen:..now what strain is your cuttings?


Well-Known Member
Dirt, hydro seems to be too much work. Plus i like dirt, its earthy
is it really soil or what is called a "soilless medium"?

soil has the nutes already in it, whether organic (compost and worm castings et al) or chemical like Miracle Grow...

soilless medium looks the same but is made of stuff like peat moss sphagnum, perlite, vermiculite and all your nutes are added through the water... whether organic nutes or chemical.

using a soilless medium is actually hydroponics ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah, nutes is nutrients... there is a sticky thread in one of the forums on the slang we all commonly use... it is a good reference point too!

there is some seriously great info to be had here for sure!